

单词 gimmal
释义 gimmal|ˈdʒɪməl|
Forms: 6 gymell, gemoll, 6–7 gimal, gimmall, gim(m)ol, 7 gimmoule, jim(m)al, 7–9 gymmal(l, gimmal, (9 gimmel). See also gimbal.
[an altered form of gemel.]
1. Antiq. A finger-ring (rarely an ear-ring) so constructed as to admit of being divided into two (sometimes into three) rings. Also gimmal-ring, ring of gimmals. Cf. gemel 3.
a1607Brewer Lingua ii. iv, Anamnestes his Page, in a graue Sattin sute Purple..a Garland of Bayes and Rosemary, a gimmall ring with one linke hanging.1622Fletcher Beggar's Bush iv. ii, Huh. Sure I should know that Gymmal. Jac. 'Tis certain he; I had forgot my ring too.1641J. Jackson True Evang. T. iii. 199 We must be as a thred, or gimmal ring about their finger to put them in mind of their sin.1648Herrick Hesper., Jimmall Ring, Thou sent'st to me a true-love-knot; but I Return'd a ring of jimmals.1711J. Greenwood Eng. Gram. 190 Gimmal..a doubled or twist'd Ring.1820Scott Ivanhoe xxxiii, The treasure he hath already robbed me of—gold chains and gymmal rings to an unknown value.1863Sala Capt. Dangerous I. i. 6 Diamond gimmels on skeleton hands.
2. pl. Joints, links, connecting parts (in machinery) esp. for transmitting motion (as in clockwork). (Rare in sing.) Obs.
1598Gosson Trump. War F 5, Man is compared in the ps[alms] to a watch, he hath a great many gimols appertaining to him to mooue him.1599Sandys Europæ Spec. (1632) 168 Their fashion is when their gimmalls are all in tune for a Miracle, to enjoyne [etc.].1636W. Samson Vowbreaker B, My acts are like the motional gymmalls Fixt in a watch.1644Digby Mans Soul viii. 413 His answeres do not proceed vpon sett gimals or stringes, whereof one being struck, it moueth the rest in a sett order.1867Smyth Sailor's Word-bk., Gimmel, any disposition of rings, as links, device of machinery.
3. ? A hinge; = gimmer 2. Obs.
1605T. Hutton Reasons for Refusal 76 A point that hangs strangely, as it were by gimmols.
4. pl. The voussoirs of an arch. Obs. rare.
1613–39I. Jones in Leoni Palladio's Archit. (1742) II. 46 The Gimals and Key-stone, is less than the Rustic of the Asler, so as drawing the Asler first all of a height, and then divide the Gimals and key-stone of the Arch drawn to the Center.
5. = gimbal 4. Obs.
1623J. Taylor (Water P.) Very Merry Wherry Voy. Wks. (1630) ii. 8/1 An Hostesse with a Tongue As nimble as it had on Gimmols hung.1793Wollaston in Phil. Trans. LXXXIII. 137 The construction of these Ys is peculiar: they hang, as it were, in gimmals.
6. A duet. Obs. rare.
1530Palsgr. 225/1 Gymell song, jumeau.
Hence ˈgimmaled, ppl. a. (in 6–7 gymould, jymold), made with gimmals or joints; consisting of two similar parts hinged together.
1596Edw. III, i. ii, Neuer shall..rust in canker, haue the time to..lay a side their Iacks of Gymould mayle.1599Shakes. Hen. V, iv. ii. 49 And in their pale dull mouthes the Iymold Bitt [mod. edd. gimmal bit] Lyes foule with chaw'd-grasse, still and motionlesse.




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