

单词 tyrannize
释义 tyrannize, v.|ˈtɪrənaɪz|
Also 6–7 tir-.
[a. F. tyranniser (14th c. in Hatz.-Darm.), f. tyran tyrant; cf. late L. tyrannizāre to act the tyrant, Gr. τυραννίζειν to side with a tyrant; also Pg. tyrannizar, Sp. tiranizar, It. tirannizare.]
1. a. intr. To be a despot or absolute ruler; to exercise absolute rule. Const. over.
1590Spenser F.Q. ii. x. 57 Then gan Carausius tirannize anew, And gainst the Romanes bent their proper powre.1628Hobbes Thucyd. (1822) 9 Polycrates, who..tyrannized in Samos.1737Whiston Josephus, Antiq. i. vi. §2 Nimrod..stayed and tyrannized at Babylon.1889Jacobs æsop 33 Here [at Athens] he ‘tyrannised’ in an easy-going way for ten years.
b. trans. To have absolute sovereignty in or over; to rule over or dominate with absolute power. (Cf. 4.) Also fig. Obs.
1583T. Stocker Civ. Warres Lowe C. i. 6 The 12. articles..inuented and practised by the Spanish Inquisition, to the end they might inuade, get, and tyrannize the Belgique prouinces.1651Nicholas Papers (Camden) 270 That whisperinge calumniator who hath of late tyrannized their eares.1670Milton Hist. Eng. i. Wks. 1851 V. 5 Giants, who tyranniz'd the Ile, till Brutus came.1795Wraxall Hist. France III. 175 His hopes of retaining the duchy of Brittany which he had tyrannized during a number of years.
2. intr. To reign tyrannically; to rule despotically or oppressively. Const. over ( on, upon).
1494Fabyan Chron. vi. cl. 138 Sigebertus was thus depryuyd..when he..had reygned or tyrannysyd two yeres.1588Marprel. Epist. (Arb.) 21 Oppressing and tyrannizing ouer her Maiesties subiects.a1604Hanmer Chron. Irel. (1809) 136 Athelfrid the Saxon King of Northumbers, so tyrannized over the Britaines, that they were faine to take Ireland for their refuge.a1641Bp. R. Montagu Acts & Mon. i. (1642) 20 The King of Egypt after Iosephs death..did tyrannize upon them with all extremity.1741Pulteney in Johnson's Debates 16 Apr. (1787) I. 388 That power by which..the administration has tyrannized without controul.1807G. Chalmers Caledonia I. ii. vi. 309 The kings..had strengths, wherein they lived; and whence they tyrannized.1814Scott Let. to J. S. B. Morritt 30 Apr., in Lockhart, A glorious and stable peace with the country over which he tyrannized, and its lawful ruler.
b. trans. To spend (time) in tyrannizing. rare.
1649Milton Eikon. xxvii, Idlely raigning..he either tyranniz'd or trifl'd away those seventeen yeares of peace.
3. intr. To act tyrannically, play the tyrant; to exercise power or control oppressively or cruelly. Const. as in 2.
1529Frith Antithesis (1829) 314 Think you they would not let you know the cause and judgment, if they did justice & not tyrannize.1590Marlowe Edw. II, i. ii, What! will they tyrannize upon the Church?1621Burton Anat. Mel. i. ii. i. i. (1651) 38 A sacrilegious Frenchman..became frantick..tyrannizing over his own flesh.1639Fuller Holy War iii. xxvii. (1840) 167 They within the city, being themselves safe on shore, tyrannized on their poor brethren in ship⁓wreck.1690C. Nesse O. & N. Test. I. 59 Popish prelates..tyrannizing also over the bones of the dead.1749Fielding Tom Jones i. vi, It is the nature of such persons..to insult and tyrannise over little people.1817Shelley Rev. Islam Ded. iv, The selfish and the strong still tyrannize Without reproach or check.1846S. Sharpe Hist. Egypt xi. 364 The great were not allowed to tyrannize over the poor.
b. fig. of things.
1588Shakes. Tit. A. iii. ii. 8 This poore right hand of mine, Is left to tirranize vppon my breast.1615W. Lawson Country Housew. Gard. (1626) 39 A long, proud, and disorderly Cyon,..bearing no fruit, till it haue tyrannized ouer the whole tree.1670Dryden 1st Pt. Conq. Granada v. i, Affairs of State..should not tyrannize on Love, but wait.1805Foster Ess. iv. vii. 217 The influences which tyrannise over human passions and opinions.1833J. H. Newman Arians i. ii. (1876) 25 [The Arian heresy] made its way into the highest dignities of the Church..and tyrannized over the majority of her members who were orthodox believers.1838–9F. A. Kemble Resid. in Georgia (1863) 19 The cold..tyrannizing over your region.
4. trans. To rule or govern tyrannically; to treat tyrannically, play the tyrant to or over. (Cf. 1 b.) Now rare.
a1533Ld. Berners Gold. Bk. M. Aurel. (1546) H h ij, That one with tyranny shuld tyrannise dyuers other.1594Daniel Cleopatra ii. i, But that he must..tyrannize Th' afflicted Body of a woeful Woman.1596Danett tr. Comines (1614) 183 Their subiects, whom they tyrannize and oppresse..without any compassion.1649Milton Eikon. iv, Had..rather sit still, and let his Country be tyrannized, than that the people..should..demand their rights.1675G. R. tr. Le Grand's Man without Passion 34 The Proud Mistresses of Beauty, that Tyrannize the Spirits of indiscreet men.1761Murphy Old Maid ii. i, Do not tyrannize me thus with alternate doubts and fears.1783Justamond tr. Raynal's Hist. Indies V. 268 They are tyrannized, mutilated, burnt, and put to death.1896Daily News 20 Feb. 6/1 A poor, weak ruler he was. The tyrant was tyrannised by the set about him.
b. fig. of things.
1588W. Byrd Psalmes, etc. xxviii. 2 Pleasure..doth tirannize the ship.1621Burton Anat. Mel. i. ii. iv. vi. (1628) 147 Poverty, which doth so tyrannize, crucifie, and generally depresse vs.1741Mrs. Montagu Lett. (1813) I. 271 Happier are they who are governed by another's will than such as are tyrannized by their own.1887G. Meredith Solon iv, But shall the Present tyrannize us?
5. To render tyrannical; to make oppressive. Obs. rare—1.
1643Milton Divorce ii. xx, The canon law.., whose boisterous edicts tyrannizing the blessed ordinance of marriage into the quality of a most unnatural..yoke [etc.].
Hence ˈtyrannized ppl. a., ˈtyrannizing vbl. n. and ppl. a.; whence ˈtyrannizingly adv.
1589Hay any Work 41 For their tyrannizing ouer him.1611Speed Hist. Gt. Brit. vii. xviii. §5. 290 His Christian heart pitying at such heathenish tyrannizings.1642Milton Apol. Smect. Wks. 1851 III. 320 A slavish obedience without law; which is the known definition of a tyrant, and a tyranniz'd people.1650A. B. Mutat. Polemo 9 A self willed and wildly-Tyrannizing Monarch.c1680Roxb. Ball. (1887) VI. 290 Cupid, leave thy Tyrannizing!1756World No. 206 ⁋7 In..a few months, from being a restless, tyrannized, tormented wretch, I found myself a husband, a cuckold, and a happy man.a1774Tucker Lt. Nat. (1834) II. 80 The crown, the church, and the barons, struggling which should have the tyrannizing over the people.1790H. More Relig. Fash. World (1791) 89 Those tyrannizing inclinations, which have so natural a tendency to enslave the human heart.1832H. Melvile in Preacher III. 221/1 That infidelity which shall rule tyrannizingly over Christendom.1881Athenæum 27 Aug. 268/1 Intolerant of mean compliances and tyrannizing superiors.1905Daily Chron. 16 Feb. 5/2 The Church of the Concordat will be succeeded either by a free Church or by a tyrannised Church.




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