

单词 goggle
释义 I. goggle, n.|ˈgɒg(ə)l|
Also 7 gogle.
[f. goggle v.1]
1. One who goggles. rare.
a1616Beaum. & Fl. Knt. Malta ii. i, I am in sowce I thank ye; thanke your beauty Your most sweet beauty: pox upon those goggles.Ibid. v. ii, Do ye stare, gogles, I hope to make winter bootes o' thy hide yet.a1859L. Hunt Sonn., Fish, Man & Spirit ii, O scaly..wights, What is't ye do? what life lead? eh, dull goggles?
2. A goggling look; a squint, leer, stare. Obs.
1651Randolph, etc. Hey for Honesty i. i, Chr. But others, such as your demure Cheaters. Car. That have the true gogle of Amsterdam.a1659Cleveland Gen. Poems, etc. (1677) 127 Such a Goggle of the Eye, such a melodious Twang of the Nose [etc.].1688Marquis of Halifax Advice to Dau. (ed. 2) 9 Others will have such a Divided Face between a Devout Goggle and an Inviting Glance, that [etc.].
3. slang. In pl.: The eyes. Also in sing.: The white of the eye.
1705Hickeringill Priest-cr. iv. (1721) 227 If..I should turn up my Eyes, 'till the black Pupil be lost under the Upper Eye-lid, and nothing but the pious Goggle, and innocent White appears, (that's a precious Man, say the Women).1710Brit. Apollo III. No. 96. 2/1 Whose dim Goggles cou'd not bear the Rays of the Sun.a1763Byrom Dissect. Beau's Head viii, Those Muscles..wherewith a Man ogles, When on a fair Lady he fixes his Goggles.1815W. H. Ireland Scribbleomania 141 Villains so often assume diff'rent scowls, And glare with their goggles.
4. a. pl. (rarely sing.) A kind of spectacles, having glasses (usually coloured) or fine wire-netting, fixed in short tubes, and worn to protect the eyes from dust, excess of light, etc.; formerly also so constructed as to correct squinting. Esp. used by motor-cyclists (and formerly motorists) and underwater divers.
(Applied colloq. or jocularly to spectacles with round glasses.)
1715tr. C'tess D'Aunoy's Wks. 406 A pair of blue Goggles, hedg'd in with long black Eyebrows.1806–7J. Beresford Miseries Hum. Life (1826) Post. Groans xxxv, Pinking and blinking, with his up-and-down-goggles, full at me.1820Sporting Mag. VII. 96 Just call in St. Martin's-le-Grand For some goggles for Mary (who squints).1853Kane Grinnell Exp. xli. (1856) 380 A disk of hard wood, with a simple slit..we found a better protection than the goggle or colored lens.1868Dickens Uncomm. Trav. xxii, A little spare man who sat breaking stones..regarding me mysteriously through his dark goggles of wire.1879T. Hardy Ret. Native iv. ii, The goggles he was obliged to wear over his eyes.1899J. K. Jerome Three Men on Bummel xiii, Their goggle-covered eyes, their necks tied up in comforters.1903G. B. Shaw Man & Superman ii. 55 He cares for nothing but tearing along in a leather coat and goggles..at sixty miles an hour.1904A. B. F. Young Compl. Motorist (ed. 2) xii. 260 Goggles are, unhappily, almost a necessity when travelling at any but the lowest speeds.1908Motor Cycle 12 Feb. 132 A new goggle constructed after the principle of the four-glass goggle.1908E. J. Banfield Confessions of Beachcomber i. iv. 152 All were wearing swimming goggles which enable them when diving to distinguish objects at a considerable range.1957T. Gunn Sense of Movement 11 In goggles, donned impersonality.
Comb.1810W. Taylor in Monthly Rev. LXII. 502 But place..goggle spectacles over this focus of expression, and a slight change of dress will deceive us as to the person.
b. (See quot.)
1808Jamieson, Goggles, blinds for horses that are apt to take fright, to prevent their seeing objects from behind, S.1818in Todd.1828in Webster; and in later Dicts.
5. pl. the goggles, a disease of sheep; the staggers or sturdy.
With the sense cf. the dialect (Hants, Wilts, Glouc.) phrase ‘all of a goggle’, all shaking, giddy.
1793J. Claridge Agric. Dorset 11 A disorder peculiar to sheep,..called the Goggles;..the first symptoms is a violent itching, which is soon succeeded by a dizziness in the head, staggering of gait [etc.].1807Vancouver Agric. Devon (1813) 343 The goggles is a disease sometimes, though rarely, experienced on the confines of Somerset and Dorset.1825Loudon Encycl. Agric. §6524 Staggers, gid, turnsick, goggles [etc.]..are all popular terms for hydatids, or an animal..which..finds its way to the brain.1893in Northumbld. Gloss., Goggles, a disease in sheep.
6. attrib. and Comb., as goggle-box slang, a television set; goggle-dive, an underwater dive made by a person wearing goggles; hence as v. intr.; also goggle-diver, goggle-diving.
1959Guardian 9 Nov. 5/5 Switch the goggle-box on at 10 a.m.1967Times 2 Oct. 1/1 Mr. Wilson was..so good at television appearances, that he had convinced himself that he, single-handed, could win elections ‘with the help of the goggle box’.
1953J. Y. Cousteau Silent World 5 Two years of goggle-dives passed before I met Dumas.Ibid. 7 In the goggle-diving era Dumas made a light-hearted bet at Le Brusq that he could spear two hundred and twenty pounds of fish in two hours.Ibid. 16 The merou, virtually unknown in the Provençal markets until goggle divers went down and speared them.1958Sunday Times 19 Oct. 17/3 It was impossible to goggle dive without seeing a fish.
II. goggle, a.|ˈgɒg(ə)l|
Also 6 gogle, gogyll, google.
[Properly the vbl. stem goggle in comb., the purely adjectival use being a modern development.]
Of the eye: Protuberant, prominent, full and rolling; also, squinting.
1540T. Raynalde Byrth Mankynde ii. 78 b, Yf the chylde haue google eyes [L. strabos oculos].1544T. Phaer Regim. Lyfe (1546) Cc ij b, Of gogle eyes.1563Mirr. Mag., Hastings lxxi, Lowryng on me with the goggle eye.1667Cotton Virg. Travest. iv. 106 The Queen in wrathful wise, Rowling about her goggle eyes.1680Baxter Cath. Commun. §11 (1684) 28 If goggle Eyes judge each line to be a yard distant from another, I cannot cure them.1774Goldsm. Hist. Earth VI. 239 He [a shark] is furnished with great goggle eyes.1840Thackeray Paris Sk.-bk. (1869) 177 His goggle eyes were always rolling about wildly.1885G. S. Forbes Wild Life in Canara 105 The face was broad, the mouth wide, the eyes goggle.
III. goggle, v.1|ˈgɒg(ə)l|
Forms: 4 gogel, 5–7 gogle, 6 google, 6– goggle.
[Perh. a frequentative of an onomatopœic *gog, expressive of oscillating movement (cf. jog, joggle); cf. gog n.2 and n.3; also goggle n. 5. It may be noticed that mod. Welsh and Gaelic have several words of similar form and sense: Welsh gogi to shake, Gael. gog a nodding or tossing of the head, gogshùil (? from Eng.) a goggle-eye. The verb, like the combinations goggle-eye, -eyed, first becomes common in the 16th c., and is, with the few exceptions given under II, always used of movement of the eye, though in later use its meaning has been somewhat altered.
The Gaelic forms gogaid, gogaild, gogaill, gogag, ‘a light-headed woman, giddy female, coquette’, are prob. not related to gog and its derivatives, but merely adaptations of earlier English cocket = coquette.]
1. a. intr. Of persons: To turn the eyes to one side or other, to look obliquely, to squint; also to goggle with the eyes and to goggle at (a thing). In later use, to look with widely-opened, unsteady eyes; to roll the eyes about.
c1380Wyclif Wks. (1880) 341 Pharesees alargen her browes & gogelen fer fro goddis lawe.1544T. Phaer Regim. Lyfe (1560) X iiij a, Lay the chylde so..that he may..not..turne hys eyes on ether of both sides. If yet he begin to gogle, than set y⊇ cradell after such a fourme, that the light may be on y⊇ contrary syde.1563–87Foxe A. & M. (1684) II. 431 An old rotten stock..wherein a man should stand inclosed with an hundred wyers..to make the image goggle with the eyes.1616R. C. Times' Whistle vii. 3099 He squints, and she doth gogle wondrous faire.1664Butler Hud. ii. i. 120 Which made him hang the Head and scoul And wink and goggle like an Owl.1671Crowne Juliana i. 9 'Tis true, he doth not goggle at it so plain, as Mr. Mumpsimus o' Curland doth; but..he squints at it fearfully.1742Richardson Pamela IV. 319 The poor little Thing lies on the Nurses Lap..goggling and staring with its Eyes.1757Foote Author Epil., Wks. 1799 I. 129 Look, my Lord!—She goggles!1830Galt Lawrie T. vi. ii. (1849) 256 A sum that I thought would make the old man goggle.1880W. Cornw. Gloss. s.v., Stand goggling for gapes like an owl at an eagle.1938G. Greene Brighton Rock ii. i. 67 She goggled hopelessly at the Boy.1960I. Cross Backward Sex 105 It was not unreasonable of her to have expected that I would be well past goggling at her body now that we were such friends.1965Listener 24 June 949/1 The contemporary reader..has better things to do than goggle into the dim past.
b. Of the eyes: To turn to one side, to squint. In modern use, to project from the head and move unsteadily, to roll.
1540T. Raynalde Byrth Mankynde ii. 79 Marke on whiche syde that the eyes do gogle.1584R. Scot Discov. Witchcr. vii. vi. 138 The wiers that made their eies gogle.1683Dryden Plutarch 42 She came out foaming at the mouth, her eyes gogling, her breast heaving [etc.].1850W. Irving Goldsm. xxxix. (1851) 334 His eyes goggled with eagerness.1855Thackeray Newcomes I. 1 The frog's hideous large eyes were goggling out of his head.1879Earl of Desart Kelverdale I. iv. 45 His large eyes goggled and watered as he kept them fixed upon the piece of sugar.
2. trans. To turn (one's eye) to one side, or (in modern use) from side to side with an unsteady motion. Also with about.
1583Stanyhurst æneis i. (Arb.) 32 Whilst in temple corners he gogled his eyesight Wayting for Dido.1616J. Lane Cont. Sqr.'s T. vii. 572 So with a crooked curtchie, wried aright, goglinge bothe eies.1713Steele Englishm. No. 8. 50 The Wagg..goggled his Eyes, and then fixing them dreadfully upon the Fellow.1829T. L. Peacock Misfort. Elphin xi. 147 The stranger goggled about his eyes in an attempt to fix them steadily on Taliesin.1884Harper's Mag. Oct. 695/1 He could..goggle his eyes at Agnes.
3. intr. To sway or roll about; move loosely and unsteadily. Also to goggle with the head, to shake or wag the head. Obs. exc. dial.
c1400Beryn 163 Then passed they forth boystly, goglyng with hir hedis.1519W. Horman Vulg. 149 Maydens: that cary geere vpon theyr heed putte a wrethe of haye betwene the vessell and theyr heed to stay it from goglynge.a1650Robin Hood 26 in Furniv. Percy Folio MS. I. 16 But Robin did on this old mans hood, itt gogled on his crowne.1893Wilts. Gloss., Goggle, to shake or tremble, as a table with one leg shorter than the others.
4. trans. To cause to shake. fig.
1576Newton Lemnie's Complex. ii. 97 b, Y⊇ lack wherof googleth [1581 gogleth] theyr vnstayed heades, and caryeth them into many inordinate pranckes of childishe insolencie.
IV. goggle, v.2|ˈgɒg(ə)l|
[Onomatopœic: an occasional substitute for gobble, as suggesting a similar sound, but made more in the throat.]
1. trans. = gobble v.1 1.
1611Cotgr., Goulardé,..gulped, or goggled downe.Ibid., Goularder,..to rauine, goggle, glut vp, swallow downe, huge morsells, or mouthfulls.1888[see 2].
2. intr. = gobble v.2
1831Mrs. Carlyle Lett. (1889) 186 The Bubbly goggeling neither sweetly nor profitably.1888Sheffield Gloss., Goggle, to swallow, to make a gurgling noise in the throat.




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