

单词 goldsmith
释义 goldsmith|ˈgəʊldsmɪθ|
1. A worker in gold; one who fashions gold into jewels, ornaments, articles of plate, etc.
c1000ælfric Gen. iv. 22 Tubalcain, se wæs eᵹðer ᵹe goldsmið ᵹe isensmið.a1225Ancr. R. 236 Al so alse þe goldsmið clenseð þet gold iðe fure.1387Trevisa Higden (Rolls) VII. 53 He telleþ þat Donston..made in a tyme a chalys by goldsmethes craft.1464Mann. & Househ. Exp. (Roxb.) 253 Item, payd to the goldsmythe that made the bokelys..x. s. iiij. d.1526Pilgr. Perf. (W. de W. 1531) 108 b, There was neuer yet goldsmyth that onely with betynges of the hammer coude make a fayre ymage.1681Prideaux Lett. (Camden) 98 The Alderman would not vouch for payment, and thereon the goldsmith would not prepare the plate.1857Ruskin Pol. Econ. Art i. (1868) 62 True goldsmith's work, when it exists, is generally the means of education of the greatest painters and sculptors of the day.
Down to the 18th c. these tradesmen acted as bankers.
a1674Clarendon Contin. Life (1759) 314 They [Bankers] were for the most Part Goldsmiths.1690Child Disc. Trade (1694) 33 His Majesty..has been enforced to give above the usual rates to goldsmiths.1713Steele Guardian No. 2 ⁋1 He gave me a Bill upon his Goldsmith in London.1719W. Wood Surv. Trade 340 All our large Payments are made generally in Exchequer Bills, Bank or Goldsmith notes.1822Scott Nigel iv, I am a goldsmith, and live by lending money as well as by selling plate.
2. Short for goldsmith-beetle.
1863Rep. U.S. Commiss. Agric. 298 (Cent.) Large beetles, such as the common Cetonias or goldsmiths.
3. attrib. and Comb., as goldsmith-craft, goldsmith-work; goldsmith-beetle, a large scarabæid beetle (Cotalpa lanigera) having wing-covers of golden lustre; also, Cetonia aurata or other species.
1881Cassell's Nat. Hist. V. 328 The Rutelinæ, or *Goldsmith Beetles.
c1449Pecock Repr. i. x. 50 The sporier and the cuteler be leerned in thilk point of *goldsmyth craft which is gilding.
1506Paston Lett. No. 953 III. 404 A hatt of *goldsmyth worke.c1530Let. in Ld. Berners' Froiss. Editor's Pref. (1812) 18 The king..well apparelled in coots and clokes of gould, and gouldsmythe worke.
Hence ˈgoldsmithess nonce-wd., a female goldsmith. ˈgoldsmithy, ˈgoldˌsmith(e)ry, the art or trade of a goldsmith; goldsmith's work; articles made by the goldsmith.
c1386Chaucer Knt.'s T. 1640 Harneys..so riche, and wroght so weel Of goldsmythrye, of browdynge, and of steel.c1430Pilgr. Lyf Manhode iv. xvi. (1869) 183, I am, quod she, þe goldsmithesse and þe forgeresse of heuene.c1449Pecock Repressor i. x. 50 As if oon man had lernid the al hool craft of goldsmythi and the al hool craft of cutleri.1483Caxton Gold. Leg. 189/2 He knew wel the crafte & arte of goldsmytherye.1647Lilly Chr. Astrol. cxlix. 632 Professions conversant in fire, whether it be in Smithery or working in Goldsmithery.1873Browning Red Cott. Nt.-cap 132 Their actual lord By dint of diamond dealing, goldsmithry.1883Athenæum 2 June 707 Works in iron, pewter, and bronze, as well as goldsmithery.




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