

单词 goodlaik
释义 ˈgoodlaik Obs.
Forms: 3 godlec, godleic(h, Orm. godleȝȝc, 5 godlaik.
[a. ON. góðleik-r: see good a. and -laik.]
Goodness, kindness.
c1200Ormin, Ded. 267 Þatt sefennfald godleȝȝc þatt Crist Uss dide þurrh hiss come.a1225Ancr. R. 136 His muchele godleic touward hire, ant hire defautes touward him.a1300Siriz 227 Of muchel godlec miȝt thou ȝelpe, If hit be so that thou me helpe.a1400–50Wars Alexander 4688, I se na godlaik in gold, bot grefe to þe saule.




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