

单词 recreation
释义 I. recreation1|rɛkrɪˈeɪʃən|
Also 4–6 -acioun, -acyon, etc.
[a. F. récréation (13th c. in Littré), or ad. L. recreātiōn-em (Pliny), n. of action f. recreāre to recreate v.1]
1. Refreshment by partaking of food; a refection; nourishment. Obs.
1390Gower Conf. III. 100 To sustienen hem and fede In time of recreacion.c1489Caxton Blanchardyn 145 Blanchardyn, Sadoyne, and his wyff..were sittyng at the bord takynge their recreacyon.1538in Strype Eccl. Mem. (1721) I. ii. App. xc. 251, I bequest to the Maister, Wardens and Felyshyp of the Drapers, v. pounde, for a recreation or a dyner.1600Surflet Countrie Farme iii. xlvi. 516 The tree must haue some recreation giuen it in winter, after his great trauell in bringing foorth of his fruite.
a. Refreshment or comfort produced by something affecting the senses or body. Obs.
1390Gower Conf. III. 114 [Of the sun] alle erthly creatures..taken after the natures Here ese and recreacion.c1430Lydg. Min. Poems (Percy Soc.) 14 Wyne is a lycor of grete recreacioun.c1440Gesta Rom. ii. 6 (Harl. MS.) Ofte tyme he vsid to ligge ny the fire, for to haue comfort and recreacion of þe fire.
b. Comfort or consolation of the mind; that which comforts or consoles. Obs. rare.
c1410Hoccleve Mother of God 138 The habitacion Of the holy goost our recreacion Be in myn herte.c1440York Myst. xlvi. 20 Vnkyndely þei kidde þem þer kyng for to kenne, With carefull comforth and cold recreacioun.c1475Lament. Mary Magd. cxcvii, My comforte, and al my recreacioun, Fare wel my parpetual saluacioun.
3. a. The action of recreating (oneself or another), or fact of being recreated, by some pleasant occupation, pastime or amusement.
c1400Mandeville (Roxb.) xxxiv. 155 New thinges..to tell off for solace and recreacioun of þaim þat lykez to here þam.1484Caxton Fables of Alfonce vi, To take his recreacion he entryd in to his gardyn.1532More Confut. Tindale Wks. 558/1 Tindall is as it semeth..set vpon reading of rydles for his recreacion.1584Cogan Haven Health ii. (1636) 20 Socrates..for recreation..blushed not to ride upon a Reed among his little children.1651Hobbes Leviath. ii. xxiv. 129 Forrests, and Chases, either for his recreation, or for preservation of Woods.1755Young Centaur ii. Wks. 1757 IV. 140 Too much recreation tires as much, as too much business.1791Cowper Iliad xxi. 56 Eleven days, at his return, he gave To recreation joyous with his friends.1860Hook Lives Abps. I. i. 2 He sought his recreation in the study of Ecclesiastical History.
b. An instance of this; a means of recreating oneself; a pleasurable exercise or employment.
c1430Lydg. Min. Poems (Percy Soc.) 82 Travaile requyrithe a recreacioune.1477Earl Rivers (Caxton) Dictes 1 For a recreacion and a passyng of tyme I had delyte and axed to rede somme good historye.1585T. Washington tr. Nicholay's Voy. iii. x. 86 The Turke hath observed the Palester of the Athletes..for one of his accustomed recreations.1631Gouge God's Arrows iii. §11. 206 Such kind of recreations as make men fitter for warre.1749G. Lavington Enthus. Meth. & Papists 23 Our love of Recreations and Diversions has indeed confessedly exceeded all bounds.1849Macaulay Hist. Eng. vii. II. 169 The chase was his favourite recreation.
c. One who or that which supplies recreation.
1601Shakes. Twel. N. ii. iii. 146 If I do not gull him into an ayword, and make him a common recreation [etc.].1863Sat. Rev. 15 Aug. 224 These Tragedies and other Plays will live..not as the recreation of an idle hour [etc.].
4. A place of refreshment or recreation. Obs.
c1440Promp. Parv. 426/1 ‘Recreacyon’, or howse of refreschynge, recreatorium.1618Bolton Florus (1636) 29 Tiber which is now but a Suburbe, and Præneste but our Summer-recreation.
5. attrib. and Comb., as recreation area, recreation centre, recreation ground, recreation hall, recreation home, recreation leader, recreation leadership, recreation league, recreation officer, recreation ramble, recreation room, recreation tent, recreation therapy, recreation time, recreation vehicle.
1961Recreation Dec. 531/1 *Recreation areas are never too large for the future.1978N.Y. Times 29 Mar. b2/3 Ocean Beach Park, a recreation area on Long Island Sound.
1943J. S. Huxley TVA 17 Guntersville, formerly a sleepy market town..is now becoming..an important *recreation centre.1974M. G. D. Dixey Local Recreation Centres i. 10 Most local authorities recognise the need for indoor recreation centres.
1859Act 22 Vict. c. 27 §8 This Act..may be cited..[as] ‘The *Recreation Grounds Act, 1859’.1898E. Howard Tomorrow xiv. 147 These wretched slums will be pulled down, and their sites occupied by parks, recreation grounds, and allotment gardens.1969I. & P. Opie Children's Games xii. 341 The merry-go-round is a type of swing placed in the recreation ground by the local council.1981J. B. Hilton Playground of Death iv. 42, I learned on an Essex Recreation Ground.
1943J. S. Huxley TVA 75 This method of sectional prefabrication has now been successfully applied to larger buildings, such as..*recreation halls.
1976National Observer (U.S.) 10 July 6/2 Add to this the boom in *recreation and leisure homes and you have Ozark hills and hollows chock full of people.
1923Playground Apr. 35/2 A *recreation leader should be active in the social work program of his city.1936H. R. Clark Playground Man. ii. 32 Discuss the future possibilities for playground and recreation leaders.1953H. D. Corbin Recreation Leadership ii. 20 The recreation leader is responsible for the organization, direction, and supervision of recreational activities.
1924Playground Apr. 118 The marked increase in employed *recreation leadership.1976National Observer (U.S.) 22 May 14/4 (Advt.), Liberal Arts Career Studies... Recreation Leadership.
Ibid. May 17/2 We were told to scrounge up our own games through local *recreation leagues to get as much experience as possible.
1976Evening Times (Glasgow) 1 Dec. 3/1 The Carstairs patient who died attempting to defend *recreation officer Neil McLellan.
1853D. F. M'Carthy Dramas of Calderon I. p. viii, *Recreation-rambles into the enchanted regions of foreign song.
1854*Recreation room [see coconut matting s.v. coco, cocoa 4 e].1890Harper's New Monthly Mag. Feb. 342/1 An excellent canteen and a recreation-room are, however, now provided in almost every barrack.1978J. Wainwright Thief of Time 99 I'm in the Recreation Room. Playing Ludo.
1930E. M. Brent-Dyer Chalet Girls in Camp v. 75 The two big tents for the commissariat and *recreation tents had ridge-poles.
1977M. Edelman Polit. Lang. iv. 60 If they play volleyball, that is *recreation therapy.
1909‘Mark Twain’ Is Shakespeare Dead? iv. 45 It seriously shortened his..*recreation-time.
1974State (Columbia, S. Carolina) 15 Feb. 17-b/1 (Advt.), Home sites. Mobile Homes. *Recreation vehicles.1977Globe & Mail (Toronto) 27 Apr. 35/2 He predicted sales of RVs will continue to rise, ‘because the recreation vehicle looks solid when compared with other vacation forms’.
II. recreation2|riːkrɪˈeɪʃən|
Also re-creation.
[f. re- 5 a + creation.]
The action of creating again; a new creation.
1522World & Child C iiij b, Christ,..That craftly made euery creature by good recreacyon.1584R. Scot Discov. Witchcr. v. ii. (1886) 74 But to what end should one dispute against these creations and recreations?1611Bp. Hall Serm. v. 52 As in the Creation he could have made all at once, but he would take days for it: so in our recreation by grace.1664J. Webb Stone-Heng (1725) 2 Not long after the Re-creation of Mankind we find recorded..the Tower of Babylon.1850R. I. Wilberforce Holy Baptism 42 Re⁓generation is a re-creation of man's nature.1873G. Henslow Evolution xiii. 204 The cataclysms and recreations of the early geological theorists.




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