

单词 unbidden
释义 unˈbidden, ppl. a.
Forms: 1, 4–5 unbeden (3 Orm. unnbedenn); 4 vnbiden, 5 -bidyn, -byden; 4, 6–7 vn-, 6– unbidden.
[un-1 8 b. Cf. NFris. ünbeden, MDu. and Du. ongebeden, MHG. and G. ungebeten, ON. úbeðinn, Icel. óbeðinn (Norw. ubeden).]
Not asked or invited; not commanded or directed.
pred.c1010ælfric Past. Ep. xlix. in Thorpe Anc. Laws (1840) II. 386 Sume preostas..unbedene gaderiað hi to ðam lice.c1200Ormin 17081 Forrþi toc Crist forrþrihht anan Unnbedenn & unnbonedd..To mælenn & to spellenn.a1300Cursor M. 14912 He wil him all vnbiden [v.r. vnbidden] bede.c1380Wyclif Serm. Sel. Wks. II. 120 And siþ alle þes failen to men, how shulden þei fiȝ te unbeden of God?c1400Destr. Troy 9943 Breisaid the burd, vnbidyn of hir fader, Full duly to Dyamede dressit to wend.1427Wills & Inv. N.C. (Surtees) I. 74 Þai þat come thidir þat tyme vnbyden be fewe.1583in Strype Ann. Ref. (1709) III. xvi. 183 The painful pastors and ministers of the Word..are condemned,..Some for leaving the Holidays unbidden.1608Dod & Cleaver Expos. Prov. xi–xii. 122 That we goe not unsent, nor come unbidden.1685Baxter Paraphr. N.T. Matt. xiv. 28 Yet none must tempt God, nor go unbidden into danger.1726Pope Odyss. xvii. 365 Adown his cheek a tear unbidden stole.1796F. Burney Camilla x. x, Thou art come, uncalled, unbidden, thy task unfulfilled, thy peace unearned.1842Manning Serm. ii. (1848) I. 30 Thoughts..thrust themselves unbidden now into the abode where they were wont to be welcomed before.1859Tennyson Merlin & V. 426 And beasts themselves would worship; camels knelt Unbidden.1873Black Pr. Thule iv. 47 Tears had sprung to her eyes unbidden.
attrib.a1425Cursor M. 14243 (Trin.), Þere were fele hem to rewe And also mony vnbeden iewe Þider coom.1548Udall, etc. Erasm. Par. Luke vii. 74 She did not onely ieoperde as an vnbidden geaste boldely to entre into the house of a Pharisee, but [etc.].1573G. Harvey Letter-bk. (Camden) 42 He lookith like..an unbidden geste that knowes not where to sitt him downe.1620Brinsley Virgil 58/3, I do not sing vnbidden (vncommanded) things.1697Dryden Virg. Georg. i. 227 Burrs and Brambles, an unbidden Crew Of graceless guests, th' unhappy Field subdue.1718Pope Iliad xiv. 396 Glad earth..from her bosom pours Unbidden herbs, and voluntary flowers.1805Scott Last Minstr. iv. xxv, Gush'd to her eye the unbidden tear.1850F. W. Newman Phases Faith 163 Judaism also unlearnt polygamy, and made an unbidden improvement upon Moses.




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