

单词 governail
释义 governail Obs.
Forms: 4–5 governayl(l(e, 4–6 governaile, -aill(e, -al(e, 5–6 governall(e, (5 governaly, -ele, -ell, -naille, -yl), 4– governail.
[a. OF. governail (F. gouvernail), governaille:—L. gubernāculum, pl. gubernācula rudder, f. gubernāre to steer: see govern v.]
1. The rudder of a ship; also, the use of the rudder, steering.
c1375Sc. Leg. Saints, Magdalena 210 Put in a bat apone þe se bot gouernale.1382Wyclif Jas. iii. 4 Schippis..ben born aboute of a litel gouernayle.c1430Pilgr. Lyf Manhode ii. xliv. 93 The gouernayle which is within ledeth it.c1477Caxton Jason 112 b, His gouernaile brack in more thenne a thousand pieces.1483Gold. Leg. 222 b/2 Thenne they recited to her the myracle..how they were comen wythout ony gouernayle of the Shippe.1561Eden Arte Nauig. A iij b, Tipho fyrst founde the gouernall or rudder.
2. The action, method, or function of governing; government; authority.
In early use often pl., after L. gubernacula.
c1374Chaucer Boeth. i. pr. vi. 17 (Camb. MS.) With which gouernayles takestow heede þat [the world] is gouerned.1375Barbour Bruce xvi. 358 Of the marchis than had he The gouernale and the pouste.c1380Wyclif Serm. Sel. Wks. II. 254 Wiþouten his governaile mut þe Chirche nedis perishe.1388Prov. i. 5 A man vndur⁓stondinge shal holde gouernails.c1400Apol. Loll. 12 A clene man was in þe court, & spak to hem þat had gret gouernaile in þe court.c1407Hoccleve Min. Poems (1892) 59 Glad cheerid Somer to your gouernaille And grace we submitte al our willynge.c1470Henry Wallace viii. 16 Thai..Besocht him..To cum and tak sum gouernaill on hand.c1500Blowbol's Test. 112 in Hazl. E.P.P. I. 96 Lucina hath the governale of the salt floodes.a1555Lyndesay Tragedie 71 Off all Scotland I had the Gouernall.1597Guistard & Sismond i. Bj, His fame had never spot in all his governall.
b. Period of government, reign. Also, form of government, dispensation.
c1420Chron. Vilod. st. 424 In to þe governell of Quene Elvyne.1432–50tr. Higden (Rolls) I. 31 The firste gouernayle was from Abraham to Moysen.Ibid. VII. 119 The firste yere of his governayle [Trevisa duchery].
c. concr. One who governs, a ruler. Also, the community governed; a state.
c1395Plowman's T. 1078 Shuld holy churche have no heed? Who shuld be her governayl?a1400Relig. Pieces fr. Thornton MS. (1867) 33 All of a gouernaylle hafe we a ffadyr.1597–8Bp. Hall Sat. iv. v. 19 Thousands beene in euery gouernall, That liue by losse, and rise by others fall.
d. Management, contrivance. Also, tending, treatment (of plants, wounds).
c1475Partenay 5561 Other gift bere hens shall by no gouernaill; Then grett mischaunce to purchace and haue.1502Arnolde Chron. 168 The gouernaile of thes plantis is dowblyng of beryng of frute.1541R. Copland Guydon's Formul. R iv, The gouernall accomplysshynge the entencyon after the vlceracyon is to drye the rottennesse.1590Spenser F.Q. ii. xii. 48 He of this gardin had the governall.
e. Behaviour, self-control; rule of conduct.
1375Barbour Bruce xi. 161 He set ledaris till Ilk battale, Knawyn war of gud gouernale.c1420Chron. Vilod. st. 259 Þis was þe governyl þey token hem to þe moder and þe douȝter y ffer.c1470Harding Chron. xxxvi. i, His ire excede[d] his wytte and gouernall.c1475Partenay 844 Ye take A wif vnknow what is sche, Neither haue knewlich of hir gouernail, Ne of hir kinrede.1597–8Bp. Hall Sat. iv. vi. 48 The fashions of their liues and Gouernals.




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