

单词 unbroken
释义 unˈbroken, ppl. a.
[un-1 8 b. Cf. MDu. and Du. ongebroken, MHG. and G. ungebrochen.]
1. Of compacts, etc.: Not broken or infringed; unviolated, inviolate.
a1300Cursor M. 611 Bot for to hald it wel vnbroken, Þe forbot þat was be-twix þam spoken.1580Hollyband, Inviolé, inuiolated, sound, vnbroken.1667Milton P.L. ii. 691 That Traitor Angel,..Who first broke peace in Heav'n and Faith, till then Unbrok'n.1743Francis tr. Hor., Odes i. xvii. 20 To sing frail Circe's guilty Fire, And chaste Penelope's unbroken Vow.
2. Of material things: Not broken or fractured; intact, whole.
1495Trevisa's Barth. De P.R. xix. cxxx. 939 Men in olde tyme callyd a thynge yt was hoole and vnbroken, Solidum et Totum.1585T. Washington tr. Nicholay's Voy. i. xviii. 21 [There are] many towers and goodly buildings ruined.., amongst which, one which was vnbroken.1613Tourneur Pr. Henry 97, I wonder how Or he or anye other souldier now Can hold his sword unbroken.1697Dryden Virg. Georg. iv. 426 His bowels, bruised within, Betray no wound on his unbroken skin.1707Mortimer Husb. (1721) II. 357 Put into the Hogshead ten new-laid Eggs, unbroken or cracked.1790J. Bruce Source Nile II. 460 The seal [was] examined, and declared to be the patriarch's, and unbroken.1864Mrs. Carlyle Lett. (1883) III. 218 There is hardly a kitchen utensil left unbroken.1889J. C. Jeaffreson Q. of Naples & Nelson I. iii. 93 Escaping..with unbroken bones.
fig.a1650Crashaw Carmen, Answ. for Hope 16 Nor will the virgin joyes we wed Come lesse unbroken to our bed.1753Richardson Grandison (1781) II. xxxvi. 341 My fortune, which is unbroken, is the same sum that he gave my Brothers.
3. Not crushed, humbled, or subdued; not impaired or weakened.
1513Douglas æneid xii. i. 4 Turnus..saw thar curage faill,..Quhilk war tofor onbrokin and stowt of hart.1549Coverdale, etc. Erasm. Par. 1 John ii. 47 A mynde that is vnbroken and vnconquered agaynst al wanton enticementes.1609B. Jonson Masque of Queenes Wks. (1660) 960 A Heroine of a most inuincible and vnbroken fortitude.1612Two Noble K. v. iv. 101 If thy heart, Thy worthie, manly heart, be yet unbroken.1697Dryden æneis x. 1102 But, glancing thence, the yet unbroken force Took a new bent obliquely.1796F. Burney Camilla V. 288 Her, as yet, unbroken powers of encountering adversity.1817Lady Morgan France ii. (1818) I. 261 Courage unsubdued, spirits unbroken, indignation unrestrained.1856Kane Arct. Expl. I. xviii. 219 The journey was an arduous one to be undertaken, even by unbroken men.1907Verney Mem. II. 239 Her..cheerful spirits, unbroken by poverty and dependence.
4. Of horses, etc.: Not tamed or rendered tractable; untrained.
1538Elyot, Indomitus, wylde, vnbroken.1542Udall Erasm. Apoph. 230 To ride the vnbroken horse Bucephalus.1593Nashe Christ's T. Wks. (Grosart) IV. 170 We are the vnbroken-Colt..which hee [sc. Our Lord] commaunded (with the Asse) to be brought vnto hym.1705Stanhope Paraphr. I. 30 A Colt unbroken on which never Man had sat.1806–7J. Beresford Miseries Hum. Life (1826) ii. xxvii, Driving an unbroken horse.1864Boyd Ess., Commonpl. Philos. vii. 203 No man likes to think that he is being managed as Mr. Rarey might manage an unbroken colt.1908Animal Managem. 252 Traders carrying unbroken horses through the tropics.
transf.1743Francis tr. Hor., Epodes vii. 7 Britons yet unbroken to our War, In Chains should follow our triumphal Car.1747Richardson Clarissa (1811) I. xvii. 119 You are young and unbroken.
5. Not interrupted or disturbed; continuous, uniform.
1561T. Norton Calvin's Inst. i. 5 b, There ought to haue ben one continual vnbroken course of obedience in their whole lyfe.a1578Lindesay (Pitscottie) Chron. Scot. (S.T.S.) I. 23 Sick amitie and freindscheip..that all men supponit the samyn for to indure for ever and euer onbrokin.1722Wollaston Relig. Nat. iii. 60 Truth is the offspring of silence, unbroken meditations, and thoughts often revised and corrected.1736Butler Anal. ii. vii. 260 An unbroken Genealogy of Mankind for many Ages.1783Burke Rep. Aff. India Wks. 1842 II. 11 It required an unbroken attention,..to form a true judgment.1825Waterton Wand. S. Amer. i. (1903) 2 An unbroken range of forest covers each bank of the river.1852Robertson Serm. Ser. iii. xii. (1882) 151 One unbroken series of cruelty and crime.1887Bowen æneid i. 495 While yet silent he stands in a long and unbroken gaze.
b. Const. by.
1743Francis tr. Hor., Odes i. xiii. 19 In equal rapture, and sincere delights, Unbroken by complaints or strife.1796F. Burney Camilla III. 137 Miss Dennel grew..weary with the length of the way, unbroken by any company.1809Campbell Gert. Wyom. i. x, Many a halcyon day he lived to see Unbroken but by one misfortune dire.1882H. De Windt Equator 66 The landscape being unbroken by hill or habitation of any kind.
6. Of ground: Not broken by ploughing or digging. Also with up.
1579–80North Plutarch (1595) 26 They did take off the plougheshare, and draw the ploughe, with leauing a certain space of earthe vnbroken up.1638Junius Paint. Ancients 245 An unbroken and untilled ground doth now and then bring forth goodly hearbs.1646Earl of Monmouth tr. Biondi's Civil Wars ix. 206 The ground is for the most part unbroken up.1697Dryden Virg. Georg. i. 75 E'er we stir the yet unbroken Ground.1746Francis tr. Horace, Epist. i. xiv. 36 You complain, that with unceasing Toil, You break, alas! the long unbroken Soil.1855Delamer Kitchen Garden (1861) 142 If you are making a new garden on unbroken ground.
7. Not broken in ranks; not thrown into disorder.
1721De Foe Mem. Cavalier (1840) 129 The imperialists, eager in the pursuit, left him unbroken.1781Gibbon Decl. & F. xxx. III. 153 He..withdrew from the field of battle, with the greatest part of his cavalry entire and unbroken.1855Macaulay Hist. Eng. xvii. IV. 93 The obscurity enabled Sarsfield, with a few squadrons which still remained unbroken, to cover the retreat.1898Westm. Gaz. 24 Sept. 2/1 As cavalry are not ordinarily required to charge large masses of unbroken infantry.
8. Bot. Not variegated. (Cf. break v. 32 c.)
1829Loudon Encycl. Plants (1836) 267 Instead of saving the seed..from the finest variegated tulips, they prefer unbroken flowers or breeders.
Hence unˈbrokenly adv., unˈbrokenness.
1850Lynch Theoph. Trinal xii. 232 The years *unbrokenly march on.1866Liddon Bampt. Lect. vi. (1875) 322 Like a ray of light from the parent fire with which it is unbrokenly joined.
1849Rock Ch. of Fathers I. iii. 246 The unbroken wholeness of this Altar-stone was a symbol of the *unbrokenness of the Church.1889Abp. Benson in A. C. Benson Life (1900) II. 284 The whole crowded congregation sing in most perfect unbrokenness.




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