

单词 gram
释义 I. gram1|græm|
Also 8 gramm.
[ad. Pg. grão (formerly sometimes written gram):—L. grānum grain.]
The chick-pea, a kind of vetch, Cicer arietinum. Sometimes called Bengal gram. The name is extended to any kind of pulse used as food for horses.
1702in J. T. Wheeler Madras Old. Time (1861) II. 10 Their allowance three times a week is but a quart of rice and gram together for five men a day.1732Pike in Phil. Trans. XXXVII. 231 Boil a Peck of Gramm..to a Jelly.1879Mrs. A. G. F. E. James Ind. Househ. Managem. 71 Your stock of gram should be kept in a large tin-lined chest or box.
b. attrib., as gram-bread, gram-contract, gram-field; gram-fed ppl. a.
1799Wellington in Gurw. Desp. (1844) I. 47 You mentioned some time ago that Purneah would bid for the gram contract when it was offered.1849Sir C. Napier in Life (1857) IV. 201 A man..with a self-sufficient idea, that no one ‘can know India’ except through long experience of brandy, champagne, gram-fed [printed grain-fed] mutton, cheroots and hookahs.1869E. A. Parkes Pract. Hygiene (ed. 3) 228 Gram bread or cakes have been occasionally used in India for Europeans.1880G. Aberigh-Mackay Tour Sir Ali Baba 127 All the gram-fed secretaries and most of the alcoholic chiefs were there.
II. gram2, gramme|græm|
[a. F. gramme, ad. late L. gramma, Gr. γράµµα, a small weight. The spelling gram is now preferred to gramme in scientific use.]
In the Metric System, the unit of weight; the weight of a cubic centimetre of distilled water at the maximum density, weighed in vacuo. It equals 15.432 grains. Later redefined as a unit of mass equal to 1/1000 of a kilogram, although it is still used as a unit of force equal to the gram force.
1797Nicholson's Jrnl. Aug. 197 From the gramme are deduced by multiplication or division all the weights superior and inferior.1810Naval Chron. XXIV. 300 The monetary unit is a piece of silver weighing five grams.1846G. E. Day tr. Simon's Anim. Chem. II. 160 The mean amount of free lactic acid excreted daily..was 2·167 grammes.1877Rep. Brit. Assoc. 1876 ii. 32 In the system already adopted by the British Association Committee on Dynamical and Electrical Units..the Centimetre, the Gram, and the Second were taken as the units of length, of mass, and of time. [Note] The spelling Gram, instead of Gramme, for the English word is adopted..in accordance with the spelling put forward in the Metric Weights and Measures Act, 1864, which legalizes the use of the Metric System.1889Anthony's Photogr. Bull. II. 360 A solution of 50 grams of ferrocyanide of potassium in 100 water.1892Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci. 1891 176 Rules for the orthography and pronunciation of chemical terms... Gramme.1894J. Parker Thermodynamics 3 The weight of a gramme has no definite value unless we specify the place where the weight is to be found, because the weight of a given mass is not quite the same in all parts of the world... The weight of a gramme at Paris is 980·868 dynes.1898Rev. Brit. Pharm. 54 A true cubic centimetre is the volume of 1 gramme of water at 4° C.1911Kaye & Laby Tables Physical & Chem. Constants 3 Mass. Unit—the gramme, 1/1000 of the International Prototype Kilogramme.1954Amer. Jrnl. Physics XXII. 298/1 Weighing in grams..is extremely familiar even though few calculations are carried out in this system [sc. the metric gravitational system], conversion usually being made to the cgs system.1958Van Nostrand's Sci. Encycl. (ed. 3) 1744/2 The abbreviation gf is used to indicate gram (force), the unit of force, which is defined as the weight of a one-gram mass under the action of a gravitational acceleration of 980·665 cm/sec2.1966J. R. Partington Gen. & Inorg. Chem. (ed. 4) i. 7, 1 mol. wt. of a gas at s.t.p...in grams occupies 22·4 lit.1967Units & Standards of Measurement: Mechanics (H.M.S.O.) (ed. 4) 10 These densities..are expressed in terms of grammes per millilitre.1970Spec. Univ. Syst. desig. Linear Density Textiles (B.S.I.) 5 The linear density in ‘tex’ expresses the mass in grammes of one kilometre of yarn.
b. attrib. gram-atom, the quantity of an element having a mass in grams numerically equal to its atomic weight; gram calorie = calorie b; gram-centimetre, a unit equivalent to the ‘work’ done in raising a mass of one gram vertically one centimetre; gram-degree, -equivalent (see quots.); gram force, a unit of force equal to the weight of a mass of 1 gram, esp. under standard gravity; also called gram and gram weight; gram-ion, the quantity of an ionic substance having a mass in grams numerically equal to the atomic weight of the ion or the sum of the atomic weights of the constituent atoms; gram-molecule, the quantity of a substance having a mass in grams numerically equal to its molecular weight; so gram-molecular adj.; gram-rad, a unit of the energy absorbed by any quantity of a substance when irradiated with ionizing radiation, equal to 100 ergs; gram weight = gram force.
1899Jrnl. Chem. Soc. LXXVI. ii. 587 The magnetic susceptibility of a number of the elements,..has been determined. The coefficient of susceptibility for each element, when divided by the number of *gram-atoms per litre, gives the atomic magnetism.1938R. W. Lawson tr. Hevesy & Paneth's Man. Radioactivity (ed. 2) i. 7 A divalent ion requires 96,500 coulombs to deposit half a gram-atom.
1902Encycl. Brit. XXXIII. 280/1 Small calorie or *gramme calorie.1951Engineering 29 June 792/2 Expressed in the absolute units of the C.G.S. system,..he had found that a gram-calorie was equal to 4·181 Joules, and the mean gram-calorie corresponded to 4·187 Joules.
1875Everett Illustr. Centimetre Gramme p. x, 1 *gramme-centimetre = 9·18 × 102 ergs nearly.
1870tr. Deschanel's Nat. Philos. xxxi. 427 The *gramme-degree (Centigrade) is the quantity of heat required to raise a gramme of water 1° (Centigrade).
1897Webster, *Gram equivalent (Electrolysis), that quantity of the metal which will replace one gram of hydrogen.
1909*Gram force [see pound force s.v. pound n.1 4].1966Kaye & Laby Tables of Physical & Chem. Constants (ed. 13) 12 It is often convenient to use submultiples and multiples of these units, e.g., gramme-force (gf), ounce-force (ozf).
1898Jrnl. Chem. Soc. LXXIV. ii. 210 The contraction which occurs when a substance is dissolved in water is proportional to the concentration of the solution..the contraction is about 13·5 c.c...for every dissolved *gram ion of an electrolyte.1902J. McCrae tr. Arrhenius' Text-Bk. Electrochem. i. 9 One gram-ion of chlorine signifies 35·45 grams of chlorine in the ionic condition ( Cl ).
1906A. Smith Introd. Gen. Inorg. Chem. xii. 199 It is called, therefore, the *gram-molecular volume (G.M.V.) or the molar volume... It may be defined as that volume which contains one mole (gram-molecular weight) of any gas at 0° and 760 mm.1931E. C. Miller Plant Physiol. ii. 51 A solution made up after this manner is termed a ‘molar’,..‘gram-molecular’, or ‘molecular’ normal solution.
1878*Gram molecule [see molecule 1 c].1894G. S. Newth Text-bk. Inorg. Chem. i. vii. 56 The number of grammes of a substance, equal to the number which represents its molecular weight, is spoken of as the gramme-molecule.1958W. K. Mansfield Elem. Nucl. Physics i. 2 It follows that a gramme-molecule of any substance contains the same number of molecules.
1954Brit. Jrnl. Radiol. XXVII. 243/2 Integral absorbed dose is the integration of the energy absorbed throughout a given region of interest. The unit is the *gramme-rad. 1 gramme-rad = 100 ergs.1963Quimby & Feitelberg Radioactive Isotopes in Med. & Biol. viii. 120 The maximum permissible dose to a normal individual in 3 months is 3 rads of radiation to the whole body... For a 70 kg man this would be an integral dose of 210,000 gram-rads.
1871Phil. Mag. 4th Ser. XLII. 375 The value of T′ is about ·074 of a *gramme weight per centimetre.1894J. Parker Thermo-dynamics 3 The value of this arbitrary unit of pressure is found to be 1033·279 gramme-weights, or 1,013,510 dynes, per square centimetre.1960Amer. Jrnl. Physics XXVIII. 480/1 The weight of a body is a force measured in dynes or gram weight.
III. gram4|græm|
colloq. abbrev. of (a) telegram or cablegram; also 'gram; (b) gramophone.
1891‘F. Leslie’ Let. 24 Aug. in W. T. Vincent Recoll. F. Leslie (1893) II. xxv. 140, I wired you date of production and result, and sincerely hope the 'grams reached you safely.1928Sunday Express 19 Aug. 1 Grams: ‘Mould⁓board, London.’ Phones: 1615 1616 East.1960Wodehouse Jeeves in Offing iii. 37 What's a guffin?.. That's what she calls you in her latest 'gram.1964Frozen Assets iii. 51, I cabled the New York lawyers asking if..there was some small legacy coming my way, and back comes this gram informing me that I cop the lot.
1959New Statesman 26 Dec. 904/3 The thing he wanted to buy most in the world was a gram and lots of jazz records.1970Guardian 24 Dec. 9/3 There was Edmundo Ros and his Cuban band on the gram.
IV. gram
obs. form of grame n.; var. grame a.




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