

单词 grandgore
释义 grandgore Obs. Chiefly Sc.
Forms: α. 5–6 grantgor, grand gor(e; β. 6 glengoir, 7 glangore, 7–8 glengore.
[a. OF. grand gorre: grand great + gorre syphilis.]
α1497Min. Town Counc. Edin. in Phil. Trans. XLII. 421 This contagious sickness callit the Grandgor.1497in Ld. Treas. Acc. Scotl. I. 356 Item, to ane woman with the grantgore..iijs. vjd.1509Register Privy Seal Scot. in Pitcairn Crim. Trials I. 110* To hele þe said vmqle Schir Lancelote of þe infirmite of þe grantgor.1529Lyndesay Compl. King 286 Ihone Makerery, the kyngis fule,..For his rewarde, gat the grand gore.1535Stewart Cron. Scot. II. 313 No canker, fester, gut, or ȝit grandgor.
β15..Rowllis Cursing 63 in Laing Anc. Pop. Poetry 213 The strangelour and grit glengoir.a1605Montgomerie Flyting w. Polwart 297 The glengore, gravell, and the gut.1621J. Taylor (Water P.) Taylors Goose Wks. (1630) i. 105/2 Luxurious, letcherous Goates, that hunt in Flockes, To catch the Glangore, Grinkums, or the Pockes.1716He winna be guidit by me in Jacob. Songs (1887) 115 God send him a heavy glengore, too, For that is the death he will die.
attrib.1500–20Dunbar Poems xiv. 19 So mony glengoir markis Within this land was nevir hard nor sene.1508Flyting w. Kennedie 83 Fy! glengoir loun, fy! fy!




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