

单词 uncage
释义 unˈcage, v.
[un-2 5.]
trans. To let or take out of a cage. Also fig.
1620Shelton Quix. ii. xxxviii. 250 But pray vncage your griefes, and tell them us.1659Torriano, Sgabbiare, to uncage, to let loose.1660K. Philips Poems (1664) 77 Thou wert all Soul, and through thy Eyes it shin'd: Asham'd and angry to be so confin'd, It long'd to be uncag'd.1837W. A. Butler Serm. Ser. ii. xxii. (1856) 326 The aged saint,..turning round, bade them uncage the lions.1855[J. R. Leifchild] Cornwall 167 Let Imagination have her flight, uncage her, and sit down on the top of this smooth bank.
Hence unˈcaged ppl. a.1
1647Fanshawe Poems, Virgil's æneas 296 This said, cut off her hayre, Heat left her, and th' uncaged Soule flew through the Ayre.




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