

单词 graving
释义 I. graving, vbl. n.1|ˈgreɪvɪŋ|
[f. grave v.1 + -ing1.]
The action of grave v.1
1. Digging. Obs.
a1340Hampole Psalter xxi. 17 Foderunt manus meas & pedes meos..He says thai grof, forto shew the mykilnes of his pyne, vgly grauynge in hend and fete.Ibid. lxxix. 17 Incensa igni & suffossa..Bot swilke kyndilynge and swilke grafeynge sall perishe and be dampnyd.1411Rolls Parlt. III. 650/1 Certein Commune of Pasture, and Turfgravyng.c1440Promp. Parv. 208/1 Gravynge, or delvynge, fossio.1486Nottingham Rec. III. 242, iij. warkmen..grauyng of soddes to fill among þe wattilles. [1620Naworth Househ. Bks. (Surtees) 134 To John Marsam for graving x dayes woork of peates.]
2. (With possessive pron.) Burial. Obs.
c1340Hampole Prose Tr. (1866) 7 Till his grauynge it semyde als þe ayere gafe seruese.c1440York Myst. xvii. 286 This mirre will I giffe to þi grauyng.c1460Towneley Myst. xiv. 557 To thy grauyng this myr of me Resaue the tyll.
a. Carving, sculpturing.
b. Incision of lines, etc. in stone, metal, and the like. Obs.
1362Langl. P. Pl. A. iii. 55 Bote god to alle good folk such grauynge defendet [B-text adds To writen in wyndowes of here wel dedes].1382Wyclif Isa. xlv. 20 The Jentiles..that rereden vp a tocne of ther grauyng.1398Trevisa Barth. De P.R. xvi. xxvii. (1495) 562 All kyndes of the stone Calcedonius wythstondeth grauynge.1603Knolles Hist. Turks (1621) 1326 Foure other vessels made of fishes bones whereas the art seemed miraculous in the graving.a1619M. Fotherby Atheom. ii. xiv. §6 (1622) 361 The Arte of Graving, in all kinde of mettals.1727De Foe Syst. Magic i. vi. (1840) 141 The writing and graving upon hard stones.
c. concr. Something cut or carved; a carving, sculpture; an inscription. Obs. or arch.
1382Wyclif Ezek. xl. 22 The wyndowis therof, and porche, and grauyngis.c1440Lydg. Balade in Harvard Studies (1897) V. 193 Neuer in gravyng nor in portrature Sawe I depict so fayre a creature.c1510Barclay Mirr. Gd. Manners (1570) G iv, The housholder..Ought not to be noted for sumptuous building, Nor by outwarde grauing, or workes curious.1609Bible (Douay) Ezek. xl. 37 The graving of palme-trees in the front therof.1647W. Browne tr. Gomberville's Polexander iv. iii. 258 The walls were adorned with the same metall and gravings.1703T. N. City & C. Purchaser 268 Triglyph..signifies a hollow Graving like 3 Furrows.1801Southey Thalaba iv. xv, Belike you can interpret then the graving Around this Ring!
fig.1648Eikon Bas. 63 Gravings and characters which by just and lawful oaths were made upon their souls.
d. A grooving.
1877Raymond Statist. Mines & Mining 419 If Mr. Krom's graving and facing of his rolls obviate the difficulties heretofore experienced with that form of crusher.
4. The engraving (of a design, picture, etc.) on a metal plate or wood block. Obs. or arch.
1646Crashaw's Steps to Temple Pref. 21 His skill in Poetry, Musicke, Drawing, Limming, graving.1661Evelyn Mem. (1857) I. 365 Prince Rupert showed me..the new way of graving called mezzo-tinto.1712J. James tr. Le Blond's Gardening Ded., The graving of the Plates.1753T. Gray Let. Wks. 1884 II. 234, I am surprised at the print, which far surpasses my idea of London graving.1762H. Walpole Vertue's Anecd. Paint. I. iv. (1765) 66 He [Holbein] learned besides, graving, casting, modelling, and architecture.
b. An engraved plate or an impression from it. Obs. or arch.
1760Raper in Phil. Trans. LI. 806 note 2 His plans seem to be inverted, as gravings commonly are.1823J. Badcock Dom. Amusem. 138 This steel graving should have a hole drilled in one of its corners.
5. attrib., as graving iron, graving knife, graving skill, graving steel, graving stick; graving tool, (a) the tool used by an engraver, a graver; (b) dial. (see quot. 1877).
14..Nom. in Wr.-Wülcker 727/15 Hec revictica, a *grawyngern.1580Baret Alv. G 481 A grauing iron, a shauing knife, scalprum.
1577Kendall Flowers Epigr. 64 b, When as he graues in wood, a *grauyng knife.
1784Cowper Tiroc. 300 The wall on which we tried our *graving skill.
1676Coles, Graver, a *graving-steel.
1580Hollyband Treas. Fr. Tong, Vn Burin, a *grauing sticke.
1591Percivall Sp. Dict., Buril, a *grauing toole.1877N.W. Linc. Gloss., Graving-tool, a spade used in making drains.
II. graving, vbl. n.2|ˈgreɪvɪŋ|
[f. grave v.2 + -ing1.]
The action of grave v.2; the cleaning of a ship's bottom by scraping or burning, and coating with tar; concr. = graving-stuff.
1627Capt. Smith Seaman's Gram. ii. 13 Grauing is onely vnder water.1673Phil. Trans. VIII. 6192 More cheap and durable than any Sheathing or Graving hitherto used.1780in Falconer Dict. Marine.1867in Smyth Sailor's Word-bk.
b. Comb., as graving beach (see quot.); graving bowl dial. (see quot.); graving dock, a dock into which vessels are floated to be graved; = dry dock (see also dock n.3 4); graving piece, a small piece of wood inserted to repair a defect in a plank; graving place = graving dock; graving slip = graving beach; graving stuff, the materials used in graving.
1867Smyth Sailor's Word-bk., *Graving Beach or Slip, a portion of the dockyard where ships were landed for a tide.
1880Antrim & Down Gloss., *Graving bowl, a gratuity paid to ship carpenters when they have completed the repair of a vessel, on bringing her out of the graving dock.
1840Evid. Hull Docks Comm. 53 *Graving docks.1894Times 1 Oct. 6/3 Her Majesty's ship Ringarooma was yesterday placed in the graving dock at Cockatoo Island for repairs.
1803in Naval Chron. XV. 219 The ship⁓wrights attending the caulkers to let in *graving pieces.
1628Sir R. Le Grys tr. Barclay's Argenis 353 Part of his Fleet being shaken with the storme was brought vpon *greuing places.1693Lond. Gaz. No. 2849/2 The Mermaid Fire⁓ship, as she lay at the Graving Place in Cattwater, was..unhappily set on Fire.
1702Ibid. No. 3849/4 *Graving⁓stuff.




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