

单词 unconformity
释义 unconˈformity
[un-1 12 and 5 b.]
1. Lack of conformity (to something).
a1600Hooker Eccl. Pol. vii. xxiii. §11 So odiously to be upbraided with unconformity unto the pattern of our Lord and Saviour's estate.a1716South Serm. (1717) III. 435 The Moral Goodness or Evil of men's Actions, which consist in their Conformity, or Unconformity to Right Reason.1728R. Morris Ess. Anc. Archit. 69 In a direct Unconformity to the Rules.1781M. Madan Thelyphthora III. Pref. p. vii, He..has been at the pains to shew its unconformity to the Divine system, in the former parts of this work.1982K. Smidt (title) Unconformities in Shakespeare's history plays.
2. = nonconformity. Obs.
1635Bp. of Peterborough in Buccleuch MSS. (Hist. MSS. Comm.) I. 275 No man's learning and piety shall excuse, with me, his unconformity.1657J. Sergeant Schism Dispach't 580 To wit, distractions, dissentions, Unconformity, with a perpetually-fleeting Changeablenes of their tenet.a1677Manton Serm. John xvii. 11 Wks. 1872 X. 330 Every modest dissent and unconformity is branded with the name of schism.
3. Geol.
a. The fact of being unconformable or unconformed; difference of plane.
1829J. Phillips Geol. Yorks. i. 125 Proving the great unconformity of strata beneath the Yorkshire wolds.1880Haughton Phys. Geogr. iii. 81 The general unconformity of the Permian and Triassic rocks.
b. With a and pl. An instance of this.
1863J. G. Murphy Com., Gen. i. 12–13 The stratifications of the earth's crust with all their slips, elevations, depressions, unconformities.1895J. W. Powell in Nat. Geog. Monogr. I. i. 18 Ore deposits are often found in unconformities.




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