

单词 greable
释义 ˈgreable, a. Obs.
[a. OF. greable (1207 in Godef.), f. greer to approve of, grant, consent to, please: see gree v. and -able.]
= agreeable, in various senses; fitting, accordant, compliant, pleasing, etc.
1401Pol. Poems (Rolls) II. 112 The greable gardoun for al opin sclaundris.1412–20Lydg. Chron. Troy i. vi, A certayne hour..To our intent that shalbe most greable.1463Ashby Prisoner's Refl. 104 Poems (E.E.T.S.) 4 To chaung my lyf to god greable.c1500Melusine xxxix. 305 They were greable that he shuld be professed monke.1503Hawes Examp. Virt. vii. 15, I therto had not ben greable.1526Skelton Magnyf. 201 To se howe greable we are of one mynde.1528Lyndesay Dreme Epistle 28 Tyll sic ane Prince to be so greabyll!1548Udall, etc. tr. Erasm. Par. Matt. xii, 26 And howe is it likely and greable all diuelles beyng ennemyes of men.1647W. Browne tr. Gomberville's Polexander i. i. 14, I know not what greable and pleasant fantasie.
Hence ˈgreably adv., agreeably.
a1455Holland Howlat lxvi, The Pape begynnis the grace, as greably ganit.c1500Partenay 1543 Honestly was don The mariage And weddyng greabilly.




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