

单词 unconstant
释义 unˈconstant, a. Obs.
[un-1 7 and 5 b.]
1. = inconstant a. 1.
c1480Henryson Test. Cres. 570 Traisting in vther als greit vnfaithfulnes, Als vnconstant, and als vntrew of fay.1483Caxton Cato c vj, And by the contrarye the man unconstaunt..falleth in to many vyces and synnes.1564Palfreyman Baldwin's Mor. Philos. 45 All men are ignorant, and as fraile and vnconstant as ye shadow of smoke.1581G. Pettie tr. Guazzo's Civ. Conv. i. (1586) 26 b, To some, stout hardinesse, and deuout holinesse, haue been alwaies proper and naturall, who neuerthelesse are worldlings and vnconstant.1602W. Fulbecke Pandects 89 For the ægyptians as others report of them, are men vnconstant, raging, proude,..desirous of nouelties.1647N. Bacon Disc. Govt. Eng. i. lxvi. 229 They found the King either wilfull or unconstant.1693Mem. Ct. Teckely iv. 25 The Will of the Soveraign, which is as unconstant as his Passions.1712Arbuthnot John Bull i. v, Bull..was..of a very unconstant temper.
Comb.1653R. Sanders Physiogn. 194 A mutable, wavering, unconstant-minded person.
b. spec. Unfaithful in love or wedlock.
1561Chaucer's Wks. 340 A balade whiche Chaucer made agaynst women vnconstaunt.1593Marlowe Edw. II, v. i, My vnconstant Queene, Who spots my nuptiall bed with infamie.1611Beaum. & Fl. King & No King iv, She lives to tell thee thou art more unconstant, Than all ill women ever were together.1676D'Urfey Mme. Fickle iv. i, I am grown jealous of my Mistriss, several Reports declare she is unconstant.1757W. Wilkie Epigon. vii. 196 To reclaim The hero's love,..If e'er, devoted to a stranger's charms, He stray'd, unconstant, to her widow'd arms.
c. Of actions, conduct, etc.
1549Compl. Scot. xii. 100 Thai culd nocht meruel aneucht of his onconstant ansuer.1563B. Googe Eglogs vii. (Arb.) 59 Men do smarte not through your words but your vnconstant deeds.1609Daniel Civ. Wars viii. lxxxvii, Without which, nor his Greatnes, nor his Wits, Could ward him from the Kings vnconstant fits.1621Quarles Hadassa Introd., Bleare-eyd mortals,..with vnconstant frailty,..vary From what is good, to what is cleane contrary.1694Kettlewell Comp. Penitent 66 My good Thoughts are unconstant and Changeable.
2. = inconstant a. 2.
1574T. Hill Conject. Weather ii, The winter shall be windie and unstable, the Spring windy, and unconstant of weather.1592tr. Junius on Rev. xvii. 15 As unconstant and variable as are the waters.a1619M. Fotherby Atheom. ii. viii. §2 (1622) 284 Error is alwayes vnconstant, and neuer true vnto it selfe.1645Quarles Sol. Recant. iii. 21 Vnconstant earth! what can thy treasure show, That is not, like thy self, unconstant too?1691T. H[ale] Acc. New Invent. 79 An unconstant and unequal decay.1703R. Neve City & C. Purchaser 3 Being kept in an unconstant Temper, it decays in a little time.1721Ramsay Keitha 93 The powers..dinna like to gie o'er meikle trust To this unconstant earth, with what's divine.
b. = inconstant a. 2 b.
1610Fletcher Faithf. Sheph. ii. i, Ne'r did my unconstant eye yet greet That beauty.




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