释义 |
ˈgreen-fly 1. Angling. A particular kind of artificial fly.
1686R. Blome Gentl. Recreat. ii. 182/1 The Shell-flye, Termed also the Green-fly, hath his body made of Greenish-wooll. 1832M. Edgeworth Absentee viii, The green-fly, and the moorish-fly. 2. An aphis or plant-louse, so called from its colour. Usually collect. sing.
1744–50Ellis Mod. Husbandm. III. i. xv. 184 An Insect seldom, or never, misses attacking our green Cherries with so much Diligence and Fury, as to spoil great Numbers of them, by eating into their very Stone; and because of this hollow Operation, we call them Ladlemen, or the Green Fly, or Bug. 1849Florist 35 Flowers in windows..are peculiarly liable..to be infested with green-fly (Aphis). 1882Garden 18 Mar. 174/1 If green-fly makes its appearance, fumigation with Tobacco smoke is the only remedy. |