

单词 grint
释义 grint, v. Obs.
In 4 grinte, 5 grynte. pa. tense 3–4 grynte, 5 grint; also 4 gryntide, 5 grynted.
[app. an onomatopœic formation, suggested by grind, grent, grunt vbs.]
a. intr. To grind or gnash the teeth; usually to grint with the teeth. Said also of the teeth.
b. ? To grunt or groan.
a1300S. Gregory 722 in Archiv Stud. neu. Spr. LVII. 67 He was bore ouer his horse croupe Þat he grynte as a bere.13..S.E. Leg. (MS. Bodl. 779) ibid. LXXXII. 418/95 Decie þo for wraþþe gan to grinte & grede.c1386Chaucer Sompn. T. 453 He grynte with his teeth, so was he wrooth.c1430Life St. Kath. (1884) 53 Þe tyraunt as a ranpynge lyon grynted wyth hys teeth.c1430Pilgr. Lyf Manhode ii. xi. (1869) 79 And at euery woord..j sygh his teeth grynte.c1475Partenay 3267 Then sore he grint And strayined his teeth apace.1491Caxton Vitas Patr. (W. de W. 1495) ii. 309 b/1 A lyon..began to grynte with his teeth & to crye.
Hence ˈgrinting vbl. n.
c1386Chaucer Pars. T. ⁋134 Ful of waymentynge and of gryntynge [v.r. gruntynge] of teeth.1388Wyclif Matt. viii. 12 There schal be wepyng and grynting of teeth.c1440Gesta Rom. ii. 6 (Harl. MS.) He lay in a certeyne tyme by the fire in siȝyngis and gryntingis.c1450Lonelich Grail xii. 420 Ther was Sorwe & grynteng of teth Inowe.




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