

单词 undeservedly
释义 undeˈservedly, adv.
[un-1 11; cf. prec.]
1. Without having deserved (to suffer); without contributory fault or demerit; unjustly.
In group (a) referring to the subject of the clause or concept, in (b) to the object of the action.
(a)1549Coverdale, etc. Erasm. Par. 1 Pet. i. 3 Where you suffre suche thynges vndeseruedly, you shall..receyue a great fruyte of your fayth.1583B. Melbancke Philotimus U iv b, With these daungers vndeseruedlye was noble Bellerophon distreste.1652Gaule Magastrom. 289 Iulian..so died,..cursing..the Star-gazers and himselfe, for adhering to them, not undeservedly.1712Steele Spect. No. 474 ⁋6 A yearly Relief of my undeservedly necessitious Neighbours.1809–10Coleridge Friend (1865) 29 That I may have attracted notice to a writer undeservedly forgotten.1877E. Venables in Dict. Chr. Biog. I. 291/1 Whose reputation for orthodoxy was not undeservedly low.
(b)1560J. Daus tr. Sleidane's Comm. 264 [He] therfore ascribeth vnto vs Tyranny, extortion and disturbaunce of the Clergie, but vndeseruedly.1597A. M. tr. Guillemeau's Fr. Chirurg. 51/1 Oftentimes Princes vndeseruedlye punishe theire Chyrurgians.1625Hart Anat. Ur. i. iv. 43 He had wrongfully and vndeseruedly bene offended with me.1656Earl of Monmouth tr. Boccalini, Pol. Touchstone (1674) 269 A perfect Braggadochio, [they]..do not undeservedly personate..by a Spaniard.1901Athenæum 27 July 115/1 This curt reference makes undeservedly light of Mr. Langley's immense labours.
2. Without desert or merit; in an unmerited degree.
In (b) referring to the object of the action.
(a)1610Healey St. Aug. Citie of God 620 There were kings in Israel, for some..predictions of theirs, may not undeservedly be called Prophets.1651Hobbes Govt. & Soc. iv. §1. 58 The same Law..is also wont to be called Divine, nor undeservedly.1712Steele Spect. No. 302 ⁋5 Many of the prevailing Passions of Mankind do undeservedly pass under the Name of Religion.1771Luckombe Hist. Print. 464 The great number of Boxes which they undeservedly occupy.1835Court Mag. VI. 55/1 S. Filippo Neri has a high character, and not undeservedly.
(b)1603Florio Montaigne i. li. 167 Vnworthily and vndeservedly to bestow on whom we list the..loftiest titles.1700Dryden Fables Ded., One of those Athletick Brutes whom undeservedly we call Heroes.




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