

单词 gumbo
释义 gumbo U.S.|ˈgʌmbəʊ|
Also gombo.
[Negro patois; ‘from the Angolan kingombo, the ki- being the usual Bantu prefix, and -ngombo the real word’ (J. Platt, jun., in Athenæum, Sep. 1, 1900); Marcgraf 1648 writes quingombo.]
1. a. A colloquial name for the okra plant or its pods (Hibiscus esculentus). Also attrib. b. A soup thickened with the mucilaginous pods of this plant. Also gumbo soup.
1805J. F. Watson in Amer. Pioneer (1843) II. 233 Shrimps are much eaten here; also a dish called gumbo. This last is made of every eatable substance, and especially of those shrimps which can be caught at any time.1813Cramer's Alman. 1814 (Pittsburgh) 55 Beyond our usual dinner [we had]..gumbo soup.1845Bangor (Maine) Mercury, At St. Peter's [Ill.] there is a large commerce carried on between the whites and redskins, for heads and whiskey, in exchange for skins and gumbo.1859Bartlett Dict. Amer., Gombo, or Gumbo, 1. the Southern name for what is called at the North, Okra, the pod of the Hibiscus esculentus. 2. In the southern States, a soup in which this plant enters largely as an ingredient.1864Sala in Daily Tel. 13 Oct., The three gentlemen..eating gombo soup.1880N. H. Bishop 4 Mths. Sneak-Box 205 The mild-eyed Louisiana Indian woman with her sack of gumbo spread out before her.1883Harper's Mag. Aug. 463/2, I should like mutton broth and gumbo every day.1884Health Exhib. Catal. 158/2 Gombo Fruits.1893Leland Mem. I. 57 Terrapins and soft-shell crabs, gumbo,..peaches, venison.1957H. Croome Forgotten Place 95 [An] affable American brigadier who told her that the hot and tasty stuff they were eating was gumbo.1970New Yorker 10 Jan. 62/1 (Advt.), You'll want to try—Crawfish Gumbo—a kind of spicy bouillabaisse.
2. a. Geol. ‘The stratified portion of the lower till of the Mississippi valley’ (Funk's Stand. Dict.). b. colloq. Western U.S. The mud of the prairies. Also gumbo mud.
1881Chicago Times 16 Apr., Such a thing as hard-pan, bed rock near the surface or gumbo is not found here [i.e. in Nebraska].1891C. Roberts Adrift Amer. 27 The soil here is largely mixed with a kind of blue clay, locally known as ‘gumbo’.1894Century Mag. Jan. 453/1 Gumbo is..the clay of Northern Wyoming. When wet, it is the blackest, stickiest..mud that exists on earth.1897Outing (U.S.) XXIX. 491/2 Only when in gumbo mud did we find our wheels to be a hindrance.
3. A patois spoken by Blacks and Creoles in the French West Indies, Louisiana, Bourbon, and Mauritius. Also attrib. [? A different word.]
1838E. Flagg Far West II. 36 A spirited colloquy ensued in the patois of these old hamlets—a species of gumbo-French.1882Sala Amer. Revis. (1883) II. v. 65 The coloured people [in New Orleans] who gabble a wondrous salmagundi of a patois, made up of French, Spanish, and indigenous African, which is known as ‘Gumbo’.Ibid. vi. 74 Were the verb ‘boumer’ as an equivalent for to ‘boom’, admitted into the vocabulary of ‘Gumbo’ French.1891E. Wakefield Wisdom of Gombo in 19th Cent. XXX. 575 Gombo is a mere phonetic burlesque of French, interlarded with African words.

Add:[1.] c. gumbo filé, gumbo soup thickened with filé; also, the filé itself; cf. *filé n.8
1846G. B. Emerson Rep. Trees & Shrubs Mass. iii. 321 To such soups are given the names *gombo filé and gombo zab.1941W. A. Percy Lanterns on Levee i. 11 Maryland terrapin, Charleston roe and hominy, New Orleans gumbo-filé.1978Detroit Free Press 5 Mar. 27/3 Gumbo filé, a powdered herb that Louisiana cooks sometimes use in place of okra to thicken the mix.




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