

单词 gusto
释义 gusto|ˈgʌstəʊ|
[It. ‘taste’ = Fr. goût:—L. gustus taste. Cf. gust n.2]
= taste, in various senses.
1. Individual or particular liking, relish, or fondness. Const. for ( in, of).
1647Boyle in Birch Life Wks. 1772 I. p. xliv, Which [tobacco] tho' at first sucked in with reluctance barely to please the company, men afterwards find a gusto in, and are unable to leave off.1651Life Father Sarpi (1676) 67 He being but a young man himself, and one that did not abhor the ordinary gustoes of his Age.1672Wycherley Love in Wood i. ii, Why should you force wine upon us? We are not all of your gusto.1695Dryden Du Fresnoy's Art of Painting 16 A Posture therefore must be chosen according to their gusto.1715tr. C'tess D'Aunois' Wks. 519 He had a particular Gusto for those sort of Performances.1727Pope, etc. Art of Sinking 73 Men of a nice and foppish gusto, whom after all it is almost impossible to please.1851H. Mayo Truths Pop. Superstit. (ed. 2) 2, I had planned going to a play to enjoy again the full gusto of scenic illusion.1852Jerdan Autobiog. II. xiii. 162 He had a grand gusto for the society he liked.1899Q. Rev. Apr. 491 Some allowance must be made for different gustos.
2. Keen relish or enjoyment displayed in speech or action; zest.
Becomes very common from the beginning of the 19th c.
1629J. M. tr. Fonseca's Devout Contempl. 190 More are the fumes & vapours that ascend vp from beneath [Hell], than those gustos, & contents which descend from aboue [Heauen].1656Earl of Monmouth Advt. fr. Parnass. 198 Base beetles which spent their lives with much gusto amidst the filth of excrements.1665Pepys Diary 5 Nov., He read me, though with too much gusto, some little poems of his own.1687Congreve Old Bach. i. i, It adds gusto to an amour.1727A. Hamilton New Acc. E. Ind. I. p. xiv, The Taste of those Times relished all he presented with a very good Gusto.1808Scott Let. to T. Scott 19 Nov., We have been both dining and supping upon them [herrings] with great gusto.1866Geo. Eliot F. Holt II. xxxi. 258 The second Tory joke was performed with much gusto.1874L. Stephen Hours in Library (1892) I. ii. 88 [He] seems to have thrown himself with special gusto into the character.1892Stevenson Across the Plains 310 No secret element of gusto warms up the sermon.
3. Art. Style in which a work of art is executed; artistic style; occas. prevailing or fashionable style in matters of taste. Often with qualification, as great (= It. gran gusto), high, noble.
1662Evelyn Chalcogr. iii. Misc. Writ. (1805) 273 They used to carve out letters and other figures..but it was yet so rude, and their gusto so depraved, that [etc.].1706Art of Painting (1744) 18 In Painting, the grand Gusto, the Sublime, and the Marvellous are one and the same thing.1712J. James tr. Le Blond's Gardening 2 The Designs..are of very mean Gusto.1747Gentl. Mag. 374 Yours [i.e. petticoats] are plain, which is after the grand gusto in structures of every kind.1761Sterne Tr. Shandy III. xii, There is something of a hardness in his manner..but then there is such a greatness of gusto!1822Lamb Elia Ser. i. Acting of Munden, The gusto of Munden antiquates and ennobles what it touches.1824Hazlitt Sk. Picture-Galleries Eng. 92 We should think that in the gusto of form and a noble freedom of outline, Michael Angelo could hardly have surpassed this figure.1847Craig s.v. Grand, Grand gusto, in Painting, a term used to express that there is something very great and extraordinary in a picture, and calculated both to please and surprise.
4. æsthetic appreciation or perception. Obs. rare.
1663Gerbier Counsel 106 The husband (after all his paines and Vexations) if he can turn all things to the best, will have (as the Italian saith) a sound gusto.1711Shaftesbury Charac. iii. iii. (1737) II. 430 Another, who has no Gusto of either sort, believes all those they call Virtuosi to be half-distracted.
5. Flavour or savour (of food, etc.). Obs. rare.
1713Derham Phys.-Theol. iii. iv. 84 All sorts of pleasant Gusto's to gratify the Taste and Appetite of the most luxurious.Ibid. iv. i. 8 The Pleasures of delightful Odours and relishing Gusto's.




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