

单词 uneaten
释义 unˈeaten, ppl. a.
[un-1 8 b. Cf. ON. ú-etinn, MDu. ongeëten (Du. -gegeten), MLG. ungegeten, MHG. ungeëzzen, -gëzzen (G. ungegessen).]
Not eaten; left undevoured.
c1290St. Brendan 301 in S. Eng. Leg. I. 227 Al ore couent nis nouȝt here, ake muche it hath vn-ete [v.r. for moche del is un-y-ete].c1375Sc. Leg. Saints vii. (James Min.) 682 For nothire wes lewit in þat towne hwnde, na catte,..vn⁓hetyne, be þis wes done.c1450Bk. Hawking in Rel. Ant. I. 307 Of thees fleschys loke that she have good plente ech day, so that shce leve sum what uneton.1611Beaum. & Fl. King & No King iii, Therefore I will out-swear him and all his followers, that this is all that's left uneaten of my sword.1630J. Taylor (Water P.) Siege Jerus. Wks. 15/1 From out their throats they tear the meat in haste, Halfe eaten, halfe vneaten.1791Cowper Odyss. viii. 582 A huge brawn, of which uneaten still Large part and delicate remain'd.1868Rep. U.S. Commissioner Agric. (1869) 297 The remains of the uneaten leaves must be carefully taken away.




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