

单词 habergeon
释义 habergeon, haubergeon|ˈhæbədʒən, həˈbɜːdʒən, ˈhɔːbədʒən|
Forms: α. 3 haubergeun, 4–6 -oun(e, 4–9 -on; also 4–5 hawberjoun, Sc. haubrischoun(e, hawbyrschown, haubersion(e, 5 hawburgon, -byrgon, Sc. awbyrchowne, 6 haubergyon, haulbergyn, 9 hawbergeon. β. ? 3, 4- habergeon; also 3–4 haberion, habiryun, 4–5 haber-, habar-, habir-, habour-, habur-, habyr-, -geon, -gion, -gioun, -gyn(e, -gon, -goun, -gown, -goyne, -jon(e, -joun(e, -jown(e, -jeoun, -jeon, -jun(e, -yon(e, 5 aburioun, 6 habergyn, habarion, habbergion, -jon, -jeoun; Sc. haberjone, -choun, -shoune, haberschone, abrichon. (About 100 variants.)
[ME. a. F. haubergeon (12th c. in Hatz.-Darm.), deriv. (treated as dim.) of OF. hauberc, now haubert: see hauberk and -on. In Eng. from an early date reduced to ha-, though examples of hau-, haw-, under French influence, contemporary or historical, occur down to the present day. The word has been since the 16th c. only historical, and it was app. after it had become obs. as a living word, that the pronunciation (həˈbɜːdʒən) or |həˈbɜdʒiːɒn|, found in Milton, Butler, Glover, etc., and in some modern dictionaries, arose.]
A sleeveless coat or jacket of mail or scale armour, originally smaller and lighter than a hauberk, but sometimes app. the same as that.
[1285Act 13 Edw. I c. 6 A disz liveree de terre..haubergeun chapel espe e cutel.]c1340Cursor M. 7521 (Trin.) Helme haburioun [Gött. habiryun] on him þei did.1375Barbour Bruce xi. 130 Mony helmys and hawbyrschownys.c1375Sc. Leg. Saints, Margaret 279 Scho wes cled in haubersione Of treutht and of deuocione.1377Langl. P. Pl. B. xviii. 23 In his helme and in his haberioun.1382Wyclif 1 Sam. xvii. 5 Goliath..was clothid with a maylid hawberioun [1388 an haburioun hokid].1382Eph. vi. 14 Þ e haberioun of riȝtwysnesse.c1386Chaucer Sir Thopas 150 Nexte his sherte an Aketoun And ouer that an haubergeoun [v. rr. habyrioun, habergoun, haberioun].1411E.E. Wills (1882) 19 To Henre my sonne, an aburioun, a ketil Hatte.c1425Wyntoun Cron. viii. xxxiii. 22 Throw thre fauld of Awbyrchowne.c1440Promp. Parv. 220/1 Haburyone [v.r. haburgyn], or hawberk, lorica.c1450Mirour Saluacioun 4129 The haubergeonne whilk his body shuld kepe both vp and doune.1530Palsgr. 229/2 Haulbergyn of mayle.1535Coverdale Rev. ix. 9 They had habbergions As it were habbergions of yron.1590Spenser F.Q. ii. vi. 29 Their mightie strokes their haberjeons dismayld.1600Fairfax Tasso i. lxxii. 15 Some dond a curace, some a corslet bright, An hawberke some, and some a haberion.1611Bible 2 Chron. xxvi. 14 And Vzziah prepared for them..shields, and speares, and helmets, and habergions.1663Butler Hud. i. iii. 537 The shot let fly..Lodg'd in Magnano's brass habergeon.1671Milton Samson 1119 Then put on all they gorgeous arms, thy helmet And brigandine of brass, thy broad habergeon.1679Blount Anc. Tenures 23 Their Knights and free⁓holders to find Corslets and Haubergeons.1787Glover Athenaid viii. (R.), Above, bright maile, habergeons scal'd in gold.1864Sir F. Palgrave Norm. & Eng. III. 306 The knights are now seen..each covered with his hawbergeon of mail.1879Browning Tray 4 Sir Olaf, the good knight, did don His helm and eke his habergeon.
b. Worn as a rough garment for penance. Obs.
c1386Chaucer Pars. T. ⁋978 Werynge of heyres or of stamyn, or of haubergeons on hire naked flesshe..and swiche manere penances.Ibid. ⁋980 Of whiche Ihesu crist is moore apayed than of heyres or haubergeouns or hauberkes.
c. Applied to the elytron of a beetle. Obs.
a1637B. Jonson Sad Sheph. ii. ii, Scaly beetles, with their habergeons, That make a humming murmur as they fly.
Hence ˈhabergeoned ( hauberiounyd) a., equipped with a habergeon.
1382Wyclif 1 Macc. iv. 7 Thei sawen the tentis of heithen men stronge, and men hauberiounyd.




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