

单词 red cap
释义 ˈredcap, red-cap, red cap
1. a. Applied to one who wears a red cap.
1550Acts Privy Council (1891) III. 6 Captaine Redde Cappe, one of the rebelles of the last yere.1602Dekker Satiromastix L iv, Runne Red-cap, ware hornes there.a1687Cotton Poet. Wks. (1765) 99 Her Grace Finds me among a Crew of mad-caps, æneas, at one Mother Red-Cap's.1795Wolcott (P. Pindar) Wks. (1812) III. 118 Since Impudence, assuming Freedom's form Near Mother Redcap brews the dangerous storm.1841Lever C. O'Malley xxxvii. 205 Now push along old red-cap.1883Stevenson Treas. Isl. xxv, There were the two watchmen, sure enough: red-cap on his back, as stiff as a handspike.
b. spec. as the name of a sprite or goblin.
a1802Leyden Lord Soulis lxi. in Minstr. Bord. II. 348 But Redcap sly unseen was by, And the ropes would neither twist nor twine.1802Scott ibid. 335 Redcap is a popular appellation of that class of spirits which haunt old castles.1886Rochdale Gloss., Redcap, that which induces a person to run away from his work. The people say such a one ‘has seen Redcap’.
2. A red-hat, a cardinal. Obs. rare.
1539St. Papers, For. & Domestic Hen. VIII, XIV. i. 68 That divorce should lead to the utter fall of the said Red Cap..and after much misery the land should by another Red Cap be reconciled.1609[Bp. W. Barlow] Answ. Nameless Cath. 236 A silly frumpe of a White-liverd Red-cap.
a. Some kind of shell. Obs. rare—1.
1711Petiver Catal. Gazophyll. Dec. 11/2 Red-Cap, [or] Spoon-egg... Each of these Valves resembles a Tea-Spoon; and both shut, a small Egg.
b. The goldfinch.
1785Gentl. Mag. LV. ii. 534/2 Many birds..seem to have particular names in these parts [Yorkshire]. Woodpeckers..[are called] pickatrees, [and] gold-finches, red-caps. [1795Cowper Pairing Time 37 My dear Dick Redcap, what say you?]1827Clare Sheph. Cal. 6 The red-cap, hanging over head, In cage of wire.1842Tennyson Gardener's Dau. 94 The redcap whistled; and the nightingale Sang loud.1864–89in dial. glossaries (Yks., Linc., Shropsh., etc.).
c. The red field-poppy.
1846J. W. Loudon Brit. Wild Fl. 25 The farmers call it Red-weed, Red Cap, Corn Rose.
4. Mil. slang. A military policeman.
1919Athenæum 1 Aug. 695/1 In your July 18 issue a correspondent mentions ‘red-hat’ as an army policeman. I have always found ‘red-cap’ to be the more familiar term.1949G. Cotterell Randle in Springtime 7 ‘Mind yourself, there are some redcaps in that jeep.’ ‘I seen 'em,’ the driver grinned, slowing down to below forty miles an hour, as another jeep, containing three Military Policemen, approached and passed them.1964J. Hale Grudge Fight viii. 127 The redcaps and the R.A.F. police.1976J. O'Connor Eleventh Commandment iv. 53 She used to take me to night⁓clubs tucked away which no officers or redcaps knew about.
5. Chiefly U.S. A porter at a railway station.
1919S. Lewis Free Air xxiv. 245 A factory illuminated by arc-lamps,—the baggage—the porter.. red caps.1929M. de la Roche Whiteoaks x. 145 A ‘redcap’ darting into the throng, the bag clutched in his hand.1931W. Faulkner Sanctuary xxi. 227 A man shouted ‘taxi’ at them; a redcap tried to take Fonzo's bag.1942Sun (Baltimore) 10 Oct. 10/2 There are only thirty-five red caps to help the anxious passengers with their luggage.1960B. Keaton Wonderful World of Slapstick iii. 59 Kelly didn't explain that there were no redcaps at Victoria Station.1969J. A. McPherson in A. Chapman New Black Voices (1972) 156 He had redcaps in the Chicago stations telling the soldiers who to ask for on the train.1977Times 19 Apr. 15/7 In France and Switzerland the larger stations have ‘red cap’ porters who shift baggage on a prescribed tariff.




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