

单词 redely
释义 redely, adv. Obs.
Forms: 3 reade-, 4 redeliche, -lyche, redeli, 4–6 redely. compar. 5 redelyer.
[App. a var. of redly adv.2, but metrical examples freq. indicate that the connecting e was pronounced. The various senses are not easily distinguished, and in some cases (see sense 4) the form is perh. written for redily readily (cf. also redily).]
1. Clearly, plainly, distinctly.
a1225Ancr. R. 344 Al he wule a domesdai reden ful readeliche [v.r. witterliche] uorte bicleopien þe mide.a1300Cursor M. 25852 Qua þat dees in dedli sin sal duell in bale,..And sua we find ful redeli.1390Gower Conf. II. 139, I schal thee redely Devise hou men therinne stonde.c1400Beryn 3116, I am wiser then yee ween, For there nys noon of ȝewe woot redely what I mean.1470–85Malory Arthur vii. xxxiv, Whan she sawe syr Gareth redely in the vysage she..fell doun in a swoune.
2. Certainly, assuredly.
c1350Will. Palerne 461 Redeli bi resoun þerfore hem rette i mai mi sorwe.c1384Chaucer H. Fame i. 130 Wel wyste I Hyt was of Venus redely The temple.c1394P. Pl. Crede 811 On his fader riȝt hand redeliche he sitteþ.c1440Gesta Rom. lxx. 324 (Harl. MS.) ‘We ben redy’, quoþ thei, ‘to do this deede redely’.
3. Carefully, attentively.
1390Gower Conf. I. 93 This knyht behield hir redely.c1400Master of Game (MS. Digby 182) xxv, Þei do drawe hem nere hym as redely and warely as þei may.
4. ? Readily, quickly.
c1380Sir Ferumb. 270 Euere suþþe y haue me raid redely to þy seruyse.c1400Song Roland 102 Redely the right ere he pullid from the hed.1443Paston Lett. I. 48, I sopose that I xal redelyer have tydyngys from yow herr dan I xulde have ther.c1489Caxton Sonnes of Aymon ii. 64 She felle doun all in a swoune, and Reynawde toke her vppe redely.1550Marbeck (title) A Concordance, that is to saie a Worke wherein..ye maie redely finde any worde conteigned in the Whole Bible.




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