

单词 unfraught
释义 I. unˈfraught, n. Obs.—1
[un-1 12.]
Want of cargo or freight.
1436Libel Eng. Policy in Pol. Poems (Rolls) II. 191 And now so fele shippes thys yeres there were, That moche losse for unfraught [v.r. unfreyght] they bare.
II. unˈfraught, ppl. a.
(un-1 8 b.)
1587Turberv. Trag. T. (1837) 16 With manly minde, and mouth unfraught of feare.1605Bacon Adv. Learn. ii. To the King §12 Mindes emptie & vnfraught with matter.1650Ashmole Chym. Collect. Prol. 15 Such Vagrants doubtless are empty and unfraught.1709Brit. Apollo II. No. 53. 2/1 Men of narrow Intellects are Unfraught with..Noble Ideas.
III. unˈfraught, v. Obs.
[un-2 3.]
trans. To unload, discharge.
1559Mirr. Mag. (1563) X ij, Suffiseth nowe this playnt..Whereof my hart his bottome hath vnfraught.1633P. Fletcher Purple Isl. vi. xix, Then thou deare swain, thy heav'nly load unfraught.1773J. Ross Fratricide i. 413 (MS.), Meantime, unfraughting thus returning love, He to his Mother runs.




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