

单词 red-fish
释义 red fish, ˈred-fish
1. A male salmon in the spawning season, when it assumes a red colour. Also Comb.
14..Ordo Justiciarie in Sc. Acts Parl. (1814) App. iv. 343 All reid fische slaeris in forbodin tyme.1457Sc. Acts Jas. II, c. 33 (1814) 51 Anentis rede fische it is ordanyt [etc.].1585Reg. Privy Council Scot. Ser. i. III. 739 [They] sall desist and ceis..fra slaying of ony reid and blak fische.1836Yarrell Brit. Fishes II. 10 The body partakes of the golden orange tinge, and the Salmon in this state is called a red-fish. The females are dark in colour, and are as commonly called black-fish.1870Pennell Mod. Pract. Angler 146 ‘Foul fish’ before spawning are, if males, termed ‘red fish’.
b. The salmon, in contrast to ‘white’ fish.
1851Mayhew Lond. Labour I. 62/2 The fish sent to London is known to Billingsgate salesmen as ‘red’ and ‘white’ fish. The red fish is confined to salmon.
2. a. The red gurnard, Trigla cuculus.
1611Cotgr., Rougette, the Red-fish; verie like a Gurnard, and by some held to be the same.1611Florio, Grincio,..a Gournet, a Rochet or red fish.1743Phil. Trans. XLII. 612 There are..Sharks, Holly-butts, Red-fish, Trout.1862Couch Brit. Fishes II. 19 Red-Fish. Soldier. Red Gurnard.
b. The name of various American or North Atlantic fishes, esp. the blue-backed salmon (Oncorhyncus nerka), the red perch or rose-fish, and the red-drum.
1763tr. Le Page du Pratz's Hist. Louisiana II. 26 This Gulf abounds with delicious fish; as..red fish, cod, sturgeon,..and many other sorts.1843Southern Lit. Messenger I. 121/2 The waters too, furnished their finny..treasures,—the red fish, buffalo [etc.].1876Goode in Smithson. Coll. XIII. vi. 14 Teleocephali acanthopteri..red-fish, rock cod [etc.].Ibid. 62 Red fish or spotted bass (Sciænops ocellatus).1877Jordan Ibid. ix. 32 note, Anomal Fallfish, Rutilus Anomalus..Vulgar names: Chub, Redfish, Fallfish.1882― in Goode Nat. Hist. Aquat. Anim. 477 This species [Oncorhynchus nerka] is known as the ‘Red-fish’ to the English speaking inhabitants of Alaska and Kamtchatka.1884–5Riverside Nat. Hist. (1888) III. 249 The S[ebastes] marinus is variously known as the rose-fish, red-fish, red-perch, Norway haddock [etc.].1897[see channel bass].1955S. A. Grau Black Prince 190 He had not lifted his head from the redfish he was cleaning.1962K. F. Lagler et al. Ichthyol. viii. 247 The giant redfish (Arapaima gigas) of the Amazon is one of the largest freshwater bony fishes.1969A. Wheeler Fishes Brit. Isles & N.-W. Europe 480/1 The red⁓fish is widely distributed in the North Atlantic.
a. Fish cured in a certain way (see quot.). Obs.
1727–41Chambers Cycl. s.v. Fish, Red Fish is some fresh fish broiled on the gridiron, then fried in oil of olives, and barrelled up with a proper liquor, as new olive-oil, vinegar, salt, pepper, cloves, and laurel leaves, or other herbs.
b. (See quot. 1883.)
1865Day Fishes Malabar 237 A delicious condiment known under the name of ‘Red-fish’.1883Simmonds Usef. Anim., Red Fish,..a delicious condiment prepared in the Straits Settlements with Engraulis commersonianus, salted, with vinegar, spices and powdered red rice.
4. Austral. = nannygai.
1951T. C. Roughley Fish & Fisheries Austral. 26 The nannygai, or redfish..occurs round the southern half of Australia.1966[see nannygai].1979Verbatim Summer 7/2 Australian fishermen found that redfish sold better than nannygai though the difference is entirely linguistic.




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