

单词 hand-tame
释义 hand-tame, a. Obs.
Tame and submissive to handling; mild, gentle. Hence hand-tameness, submissiveness, gentleness, mansuetude; also handtamed ppl. a., reduced to submission.
a1300E.E. Psalter xxxiii[i]. 3 (Mätz.) Here handtame [mansueti] and faine withal.Ibid. xliv. [xlv.] 5 For sothnes, and handtamenes, And rightwisenes, þat in þe es.c1325Poem Times Edw. II, 398 in Pol. Songs (Camden) 341 To waxen al hand-tame that rathere weren so proude.a1400–50Alexander 504 As scho were hand-tame.c1460Towneley Myst. (Surtees) 98 We ar mayde hand tamyd, Withe these gentlery men.




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