

单词 unhatched
释义 I. unˈhatched, ppl. a.1
(un-1 8 + hatch v.1)
1601Holland Pliny I. 298 Whiles the chick is unhatched and within the egge.1794Morse Amer. Geog. 169 The young cuckow..immediately sets about clearing the nest of the young sparrows, and the remaining unhatched eggs.1854Badham Halieut. 186 Many [tunny-fish]..drop their unhatched posterity about, wherever they may happen to reside.1872Darwin Orig. Spec. (ed. 6) iv. 68 The hard tip to the beak of unhatched birds, used for breaking the egg.
fig.1602Shakes. Ham. i. iii. 65 But doe not dull thy palme, with entertainment Of each vnhatch't, vnfledg'd Comrade.1635E. Pagitt Christianog. 223 Papall Indulgences were then unhatched.a1639T. Carew Poems Wks. (1824) 85 Though niggard Time left much unhatch'd by deeds.
II. unˈhatched, ppl. a.2 Obs.
[un-1 8 + hatch v.2]
Unhacked; unstained.
1601Shakes. Twel. N. iii. iv. 257 Vio. I pray you sir what is he? To. He is knight dubb'd with vnhatch'd Rapier.1619Fletcher Knt. Malta ii. v, Tender, and full of fears our blushing Sex is, Unhardned with relentless thoughts; un⁓hatcht With bloud, and bloudy practice.




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