

单词 hardiment
释义 hardiment arch.|ˈhɑːdɪmənt|
[a. OF. hardiment (in Godef.), f. hardi hardy: see -ment.]
Boldness, courage, daring, hardihood.
c1374Chaucer Troylus iv. 505 (533) Artow in Troye and hast noon hardiment To take a womman which þat loueth þe?c1430Pilgr. Lyf Manhode iv. xxiv. (1869) 189, I wot neuere how þou hast take hardement to turne ayen to me.1500–20Dunbar Poems xxvii. 20 He tynt all hardyment, Ffor feir he chaingit hew.1600Fairfax Tasso vi. xxxiv. 100 Our foes fierce courage, strength and hardiment.1791Cowper Iliad vii. 203 This brunt of hostile hardiment severe.1803Wordsw. ‘Vanguard of Liberty’, Vanguard of Liberty, ye men of Kent..Now is the time to prove your hardiment!1813Scott Rokeby i. vii, The full carouze, that lent His brow a fiercer hardiment.
b. A deed of daring, a bold exploit. Obs.
1375Barbour Bruce xii. 509 Mony ane hardyment douchtely Wes thair eschewit [= achieved].1596Shakes. 1 Hen. IV, i. iii. 101 He did confound the best part of an houre In changing hardiment with great Glendower.1601Weever Mirr. Mart. C vj, Tis often seen, ill-pleasing accidents Proceed from rage and hare-braind hardiments.1611Shakes. Cymb. v. iv. 75 Like hardiment Posthumus hath To Cymbeline perform'd.




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