

单词 Harley
释义 Harley|ˈhɑːlɪ|
Harley Street: name of a street in London associated with eminent physicians and surgeons; hence used allusively for the specialists of the medical profession.
1830New Monthly Mag. ii. 220 Harley-street was..in an uproar at these monstrous stipulations.1905G. B. Shaw Shaw on Shakes. (1962) 1 A regular company..holding itself as exclusively above the casual barnstormer as a Harley Street consultant holds himself above a man with a sarsaparilla stall.1958B. Nichols Sweet & Twenties xi. 138 The sort of people who always contribute to symposiums—a bishop, a general..an ‘eminent Harley Street surgeon’.1961L. Mumford City in History iv. 105 ‘Harley Street’, ‘Madison Avenue’, ‘State Street’, are shorthand expressions not just for occupations, but for a whole way of life that they embody.1972M. Gilbert Body of Girl xvii. 156 Two Harley Street surgeons discussing a difficult case.




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