

单词 unimete
释义 I. uniˈmete, n. Obs.
[OE. unᵹemet: see un-1 12 and imet.]
Immoderation, excess.
c888K. ælfred Boeth. xl. §3 He ne mæᵹ nauþres unᵹemet adrioᵹan.c1000Sax. Leechd. II. 106 Þonne ᵹeweaxeð on innan unᵹemet wætan.a1225Ancr. R. 74 Urom soð hit slit te uals; vt of god into vuel, & from mesure into unimete.
II. uniˈmete, adv. Obs.
[OE. unᵹemete, dat. of unᵹemet: see prec.]
Immoderately, excessively.
Beowulf 2420 Him wæs ᵹeomor sefa,..wyrd unᵹemete neah.Ibid. 2721 Þeᵹn unᵹemete till.c1000Ags. Ps. (Thorpe) cxv. 2 Ic sylfa cwæð..þæt wæron ealle menn unᵹemete lease.c1205Lay. 7393 Sixti scipen heo makeden vnimete [c 1275 onimete] muchele.a1225Leg. Kath. 738 Stoden on an half Þeos meistres so monie, & unimete modi.1300–1400R. Gloucester's Chron. (Rolls) App. A. 15 Þe wynd..schouueþ & þrast Þat al þe erþe quakiȝeþ & schakeþ onymete.
III. uniˈmete, a. Obs.
[OE. unᵹemǽte: see un-1 7 and imete a.]
Immeasurable, vast; immoderate, excessive.
a1122O.E. Chron. an. 1115 (Laud MS.), Ðises ᵹeares wæs swa strang winter..& wearð þurh þæt unᵹemæte orf cwealm.c1175Lamb. Hom. 101 Unimete festen and to michel forhefednesse..macað þene mon un-halne.c1205Lay. 4964 Þe ferde wes swa muchel Þat heo wes vnimete [c 1275 onimete].a1225Ancr. R. 40 Þo þi swete blisfule sune underueng ðe in his vnimete blisse.c1275Sinners Beware 50 in O.E. Misc. 73 Chele and hete, And hunger vnymete.
Hence uniˈmetely adv., immeasurably. Obs.
a1225Ancr. R. 398 Ne schal neuer heorte þenchen swuch seluhðe, þet ich nulle ȝiuen more uor þine luue, vnimeteliche and vnendliche more.a1240Wohunge in O.E. Hom. I. 281 Swa unimeteliche þu swanc and swa sare þat reade blod þu swattes.




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