

单词 hasheesh
释义 hashish, hasheesh|ˈhæʃɪʃ, haˈʃiːʃ|
Also (6 assis), 9 haschisch, -ish, hachisch, -ish, hachshish.
[Arab. ḥashīsh dry herb, hay, the dry leaves of hemp powdered, the intoxicant thence prepared.]
The top leaves and tender parts of the Indian hemp (which in warm countries develop intoxicating properties) dried for smoking or chewing, in Arabia, Eqypt, Turkey, etc. Cf. bhang, an Indian preparation of the same plant.
1598W. Phillips Linschoten i. (1885) II. 116 Bangue..is made in three sorts..The first by the ægyptians is called Assis, which is the poulder of Hemp, or of Hemp leaves.1613Purchas Pilgrimage vi. viii. 502 A compound called Lhasis, one ounce whereof being eaten, causeth laughing, dalliance and makes one as it were drunken.1811tr. Niebuhr's Trav. Arab. cxx. in Pinkerton Voy. X. 153 (Stanf.) As they have no strong drink, they, for this purpose, smoke Haschisch, which is the dried leaves of a sort of hemp.1855H. Spencer Princ. Psychol. (1872) I. i. vi. 103 It is a well known result of hashish to give an excessive vividness to the sensations.1856Emerson Eng. Traits, Character Wks. (Bohn) II. 59 They chew hasheesh; cut themselves with poisoned creases.1892Pall Mall G. 29 Feb. 3/3 Victims to the excessive use of hasheesh.
fig.1859Sala Tw. round Clock (1861) 113 If you put a single grain of philosophic hachisch into that pacific calumet of his.1884H. D. Traill in Contemp. Rev. Apr. 575 Entranced by the haschish of Mr. Frederic Harrison's eloquence.
b. attrib., as hashish-house, hashish-insanity, hashish-smoker.
1883H. H. Kane in Harper's Mag. Nov. 944/1 (title) A hashish-house in New York.Ibid., A large community of hashish smokers.1884St. James Gaz. 22 Mar. 5/1 Intoxicating effects which recommend the drug to hashish-eaters in India.1897Allbutt Syst. Med. II. 901, I doubt very much if hasheesh insanity can be at present diagnosed by its clinical character alone.




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