

单词 hautain
释义 ˈhautain, -tein, a. (n.) Obs.
Forms: 3–4 hautein, 3–6 hawteyn, 4–6 hauteyn, -tain, hawtane, hauten. (Also 4–6 hawteyne, 4–5 -tayne, 5 -ten, awtayne; 4 hautyn, 4–5 -teyne, 4–6 -taine, 5 -tyng, 5–6 north. -tand, 5 haughten, haltyn, haultand, -tayn(e, -tigne, 6 haultain; Sc. haltand, -tane.)
[a. F. hautain, OF. (h)altain (11th c.), 15–16th c. haultain, f. haut high, after L. type *altān-us: see haut, and for the formation cf. sovereign, F. souverain, L. type *superānus.]
1. Holding or behaving oneself loftily; proud, arrogant: = haughty 1.
1297R. Glouc. (1724) 66 Þe kyng, þei he hawteyn were, ches þe best won.c1386Chaucer Pars. T. ⁋540 Som tyme detraccion maketh an hauteyn man be the moore humble.c1440York Myst. iii. 27 For to a-bate his hautand cheere.c1489Caxton Blanchardyn xliv. 173 He was soo proude and so hawten.1513Douglas æneis vi. ix. 119 Prowd and haltand in his hert.1549Paget in Strype Eccl. Mem. II. App. 114 Ye se how lofty they are and haultain in al their proceedings.
2. Of the voice: Raised, loud.
c1350Will. Palerne 2187 Herty houndes, hauteyn of cryes.c1386Chaucer Pard. T. 2 In chirches whan I preche, I peyne me to han an hauteyn [v. rr. hautyn, haunteine; Glasgow MS. (1476) haughten] speche.c1475Partenay 236 With hie hautyng voice the erle answering.Ibid. 2829 Raymounde gan speke with vois full hautain.
3. High-flying.
c1385Chaucer L.G.W. 1120 Dido, Ne gentil hawtein faucoun heroner.
4. Of exalted courage, courageous: = haughty 2.
c1450Golagros & Gaw. 923 Syne laught out suerdis..And hewit on hard steill, wondir hawtane.1485Caxton Chas. Gt. 203 By haultayn and grete puyssaunce thou shalt surmounte thyn enemyes.
B. as n. The treble in music.
c1320Owain Miles 41 Foules..breke her notes with miri gle, Burdoun and mene gret plente, And hautain with heighe steuen.




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