

单词 universalizable
释义 ˌuniversaˈlizable, a. Chiefly Philos.
[f. universalize v. + -able.]
That can be made or rendered universal; capable of universal application.
1952A. E. Duncan-Jones Butler's Moral Philos. viii. 171 In order that he shall be said to make a moral judgement, his attitude must be ‘universalisable’.1955Proc. Aristotelian Soc. LV. 170 If too few details are included in the maxims, it will be difficult to find any that will be universalisable at all.1977P. Baelz Ethics & Belief ii. 18 Reasons are impersonal, or inter-personal. They are logically impartial, or universalizable.1982Times Lit. Suppl. 24 Dec. 1423/4 That a moral imperative should be universalizable seems to be at the heart of what we understand when we understand it as a moral imperative.
Also uniˌversalizaˈbility; ˌuniversaˈlizably adv.
1952A. E. Duncan-Jones Butler's Moral Philos. viii. 173 What we are calling the universalisability of his attitude consists in his being disposed..to respond in an equivalent way to people and situations of a given kind, should he come to consider them.1954W. D. Ross Kant's Theory of Ethics 33 But the man who tells the lie may well retort to Kant ‘Why should the test of universalizability be applied to my act regarded in this very abstract way, simply as a lie?’1963R. M. Hare Freedom & Reason vi. 91 This argument would break down if ‘ought’ were not being used both universalizably and prescriptively.1982Times Lit. Suppl. 2 July 713/1 ‘Ought’..commits one to universalizability, in the sense that if I say you ought to do A, I implicitly affirm that everyone ought to do A in identical circumstances.




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