

单词 unketh
释义 unketh, a. Obs.
Also 3–4 onekeþ, 4–5 unkythe.
[var. ME. uncoth: see uncouth a. and cf. unked.]
Unknown, strange.
a1275Prov. ælfred 535 in O.E. Misc. 133 Elde cumid to tune, mid fele unkeþe costes.1297R. Glouc. (Rolls) 6758 Mid lute onekeþ folc to engelond he drou.c1400Destr. Troy 3325 Weikenes of wemen may not wele stryve,..And nomely in an unkythe lond nedys hom so.c1510Lytell Geste Robyn Hode 24 (W. de W.), To dine I have no lust, Till I have some bold Baron, Or some unketh guest.1577Holinshed Chron., Hist. Scotland I. 297/1 Many strange wonders and vnketh sightes were seene in the dayes of this Alexander the thyrde.
Hence ˈunkethness. Obs.
1564Haward tr. Eutropius x. 108 This unkethenesse of passinge greate good fortune, and successe in his affairs.




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