

单词 heartwort
释义 heartwort|ˈhɑːtwɜːt|
Also hert-, hart-.
[From form of leaves (or ? seeds).]
1. The plant Aristolochia Clematitis, also called Birthwort.
c1350O.E. Med. Gloss. in Archæol. XXX. 409 Hert⁓wort, see Wodebron. Wodebron, bot. Fraximis [? fraxinus].1548Turner Names of Herbes 15 Astrolochia or round hertworte.Ibid., Aristolochia longa..bryngeth furth fruite lyke blacke peares and seede lyke mennes hertes.1565–73Cooper Thesaurus, Aristolochia..Called astrologe or hartworte.1578Lyte Dodoens iii. i. 314 Called..of some Byrthwort and Hartwort.1607Topsell Four-f. Beasts (1658) 269 Take of Aristoloch, otherwise called round Hart⁓wort, one ounce.1610Markham Masterp. ii. clxxiii. 483 Aristolochia, which we call birthwort, or hartwort.
2. = hartwort, q.v. Obs.
3. A species of Mint. Obs.
1597Gerard Herbal (1633) 681 The fourth [species] is called..in English, Hart-woort, or Heart-mint.
4. A local name of Melilot. Obs.
1640Parkinson Theat. Bot. 120 In some places of Essex they call it Hartwort, because [it causes] heart burne or paines of the heart.




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