

单词 unlock
释义 unˈlock, v.
[un-2 3: cf. unlouk v.]
1. trans. To undo the lock of (a door, chest, etc.) by turning the key; to make capable of opening by this means. Also in fig. context.
c1400Langland's P. Pl. B. xii. 112 (Wright), Which is the cofre of Cristes tresor And clerkes kepe the keyes, To un⁓loken it at hir likyng.14..Sir Beues (M.) 4119, I rede, that ye on-lok the yate.1426Lydg. De Guil. Pilgr. 23934, I cam after..and she gan vnlokke a chest.1530Palsgr. 768/2, I unlocke a dore or cofer.1560J. Daus tr. Sleidane's Comm. 327 Yet hath he keyes wherwith to unlock y⊇ same [sc. city-gates].1612Donne Progr. Soule, 2nd Anniv. 156 Yet Death must usher, and unlocke the doore.1690Berlu (title), Treasury of Drugs Unlock'd.1754Gray Progr. Poesy 92 This can unlock the gates of Joy.1794Mrs. Radcliffe Myst. Udolpho xxvi, That leads to the inner court, which I don't choose to unlock.1812Byron Ch. Har. i. xviii, The bard..Who to the awe-struck world un⁓lock'd Elysium's gates.1847C. Brontë J. Eyre xvii, I knelt down at and unlocked a trunk.
absol.1768Foote Devil i. Wks. 1799 III. 247 Unlock, Mrs. Minx! your minion is discovered.
2. To set free by undoing a lock; chiefly fig., to allow to flow or come forth; to make open to all.
c1400Gamelyn 417 He vnlokked gamelyn both hondes and feete.c1412Hoccleve De Reg. Princ. 1047 Sone, if oght in þin herte elles be loke, Vnlokke it blyue! com of; what seist þou?1697Dryden Virg. Georg. ii. 245 For thee my tuneful Accents will I raise,..Once more unlock for thee the sacred Spring.1708Philips Cyder ii. 60 When the kind early Dew Unlocks th' embosom'd Odors.a1764Lloyd Shakespeare Poet. Wks. 1774 I. 77 Translation has unlock'd the store, And spread abroad the Grecian lore.1820Shelley Prometh. Unb. iii. i. 74 Let hell unlock Its mounded oceans of tempestuous fire.1884Times (weekly ed.) 19 Sept. 6/1 Capital, whether public or private, is so very hard to unlock.
b. To give or obtain access to; to bring to light; to display.
1593Shakes. Lucrece 16 He the night before..Vnlockt the treasure of his happie state.1596Merch. V. ii. ix. 52 Giue me a key for this, And instantly vnlocke my fortunes here.1649Jer. Taylor Gt. Exemp. ii. xii. 46 Jesus unlock't the secrets of her heart, and let in his grace.1722Wollaston Relig. Nat. v. 101 The future actions of free agents are at once all unlocked, and exposed to His view.1809–14Wordsw. Excurs. iv. 570 These hoards of truth you can unlock at will.
3. fig. To cause to open or unclose.
1531Tindale Exp. 1 John (1537) 5 The doctryne..is the keye, that..locketh and unlocketh the conscience of all synners.1634Milton Comus 852 She can unlock The clasping charm, and thaw the numming spell.1662J. Davies tr. Olearius' Voy. Ambass. 214 The small Presents..un⁓lock'd the man's breast, and drew out the whole secret.1792Wordsw. Descrip. Sketches 627 Mournful measures..Unlocking bleeding Thought's ‘memorial cell’.1822Byron Werner i. i. 306 Wine he shall have; if that unlock him not, I shall not sleep.1859Geo. Eliot A. Bede xlv, I know you have a key to unlock hearts.
b. To explain, provide a key to (something obscure).
1636K. Long tr. Barclay (title-p.), Argenis, or the Loves of Polyarchus and Argenis,..with a Key Præfixed to vnlock the whole Story.1690T. Burnet Theory Earth iii. 21 Such a key as this.., that does so easily unlock this hard passage, and makes it intelligible.1879S. C. Bartlett Egypt to Pal. iii. 51 To unlock and read a tongue of which..not even the nature of the language was known.
4. To open, or cause to open, by physical action; to cause to separate or part.
c1586C'tess Pembroke Ps. (1823) li. vii, Unlock my lipps, shut up with sinnfull shame.1637Cowley Sylva, Verses on Virgin, The breath gives sparing kisses, nor with powre Unlocks the Virgin bosome of the Flowre.1694Salmon Bate's Dispens. 269/1 That sulphurous Tincture is better able to unlock, or open the Bodies of the Ingredients.1707Mortimer Husb. 56 [Clay-lands] hardning with the Sun and Wind, till they are unlocked by industry.1775Sheridan Rivals iv. ii, Unlock your jaws, sirrah.1802J. Baillie 2nd Pt. Ethwald ii. v, A brawny ruffian, whose firm clenched gripe No struggles can unlock.1860Tyndall Glac. i. x. 65 The discharge seemed to unlock the clouds above us.
b. To undo or unfasten by some mechanical operation, or by force.
1606Shakes. Tr. & Cr. v. vi. 29, I like thy armour well, Ile frush it and vnlocke the riuets all.1683Moxon Mech. Exerc., Printing xxii. §16 He must Vn-lock and Loosen the Form.1704J. Harris Lex. Techn., Detents, in a Clock, are those stops, which..lock and unlock the Clock in striking.1757W. Wilkie Epigon. ii. 43 The hero..His mail unlock'd; and loos'd the golden chains.1847Infantry Man. (1854) 109 The sword is..unlocked by the thumb and forefinger.1892A. Oldfield Man. Typog. viii, Some compositors seem to drive up quoins as if they thought the form would never have to be unlocked again.
c. To free from being fixed or immovable.
1735Arbuthnot Aliments 97 The Power of a Lixivium..to unlock the Salts that are entangled in the viscid Juices.1798Wordsw. Anecd. for Fathers 53 Then did the boy his tongue unlock.1819Scott Noble Moringer xxxii, Nor golden meed nor garment gay, unlocks his heavy tongue.1902Brit. Med. Jrnl. 12 Apr. 879 At first he could unlock the knee easily.
5. intr. To become unlocked.
1470–85Malory Arthur xi. i. 571 When he came to the chamber..the dores of yron vnlocked and vnbolted.1748Richardson Clarissa (1811) IV. 396, I heard her lady's door..unbar, unbolt, unlock, and open.1804Europ. Mag. XLV. 13/1 They had but just time to make this arrangement, when the door unlocked.
Hence unˈlocked ppl. a.1; unlocker.
1649tr. Warn. Jac. Beem xxv. 17 Onely the holy spirit is the opener and unlocker.1890‘R. Boldrewood’ Col. Reformer (1891) 399 Once more the unlocked earth receives the plough.




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