

单词 unloosed
释义 I. unˈloosed, ppl. a.1
[f. prec.]
Made loose, relaxed; let loose.
1382Wyclif Ecclus. xxv. 32 Feble hondis and vnloosid knees.1552Huloet, Vnlowsed, discinctus.1839Darwin Voy. Nat. xxi. 603 The strife of the unloosed elements.1884Pall Mall G. 6 May 1/1 All around him rages the unloosed flood of Moslem fanaticism.
II. unˈloosed, ppl. a.2
[un-1 8.]
Not loosened.
c1430York Memo. Bk. (Surtees, 1912) I. 194 Pro la vaumpedyng xij parium ocrearum lowsed a retro, xiij d. ob... Et pro xij paribus unlowsed retro x d. ob.1435Misyn Fire of Love 91 Þe knot vnlousyd of drawynge frenschyp sal comforth heuynes of bodily sondyrynge.




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