

单词 unlouk
释义 unˈlouk, v. Obs.
[OE. unlúcan, onlúcan (un-2 3), = WFris. ont-, ûntluke, OS. antlûkan (MDu. ontluken, Du. ontluiken, MLG. entluken), OHG. antlûhhan, in(t)luchan (MHG. entlûchen).]
1. trans. To undo or open (a gate, door, etc.); to unlock.
c1000Rule of Chrodegang x, Þæt he preosta gatu..alyfedum tidum luce & unluce.c1175Lamb. Hom. 127 Þet is þet loc þe ðe deofel ne con unlucan.c1275Pains Hell 9 in O.E. Misc. 147 Hwo haueþ helle dure vnloke Þat þu ert of pyne ibroke.13..Sir Beues (A.) 3152 Hii vn-lek þe ȝate at þe frome.1377Langl. P. Pl. B. xii. 112 Clerkes kepe þe keyes, To vnlouken it at her lykynge.c1420Chron. Vilod. 4510 When all þe ȝates of þe castell weron unloke.
absol.1377Langl. P. Pl. B. xviii. 313 Efte þe liȝte bad vnlouke, & Lucifer answered, What lorde artow?
transf.1390Gower Conf. I. 293 So that his lippes ben unloke And his corage is al tobroke.c1450Cov. Myst. (Shaks. Soc.) 28 Oure fflescly eyn byn al vnlokyn, Nakyd for synne ouresylf we se.
2. fig.
a. To unfold, expound, declare.
13..K. Alis. 69 (Laud MS.), Ac whi ich habbe hem þus vnleke, Ȝee shullen me after her speke.c1315Shoreham i. 1504 Nou ich wolle ondo þys eft By þe wey of mystyke;..Nou lestlich schel ich on-louke þys.1390Gower Conf. I. 25 That swevene hath Daniel unloke.
b. To evolve or extract.
c1320Cast. Love 77 [Who] con þat muchel of luitel un⁓louken,..Alle poyntes he fynde may Of vre be-leeue.
c. To dissolve, destroy.
1377Langl. P. Pl. B. xviii. 255 But ihesus rise to lyue,..And conforte al his kynne,..And al þe iuwen ioye vnioignen & vnlouken.
d. To set free, make open way for.
14..Langland's P. Pl. C. ii. 198 Þat is þe lok of loue þat vnloseþ [MS. F. vnlowketh] grace.
3. intr. To open; to go asunder.
c1315Shoreham Poems v. 178 Ine flom iordanes syche He was ycrystned, þe heuene onleake.c1350Lybeaus Disc. 1816 That deys began to schake,..The rof abone unlek,..As hyt wolde asonder.




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