

单词 red nettle
释义 red nettle
a. A variety of the stinging nettle. Obs.
b. The red dead-nettle.
c1000Sax. Leechd. III. 52 Seo reade netele ðe þurh ærn inwyxð.a1400MS. Sloane 282 in Alphita (Anec. Oxon.) 193 Urtica greca, rouge urteie, reed netel.14..Stockh. Med. MS. in Anglia XVIII. 302 Þe crop of þe reed nettyle forȝet þou noȝt.c1450M.E. Med. Bk. (Heinrich) 75 Take gromylle,..þe rede netelle, violet [etc.].1530Palsgr. 261/2 Reed nettyll, ortiegriache.1561Hollybush Hom. Apoth. 3 Take sedes of red nettels, and braye them to pouder in a morter.1611Cotgr., Ortie griesche, the small stinging red Nettle. Ortie rouge, the red Nettle.1877Hulme Fam. Wild Flowers I. 63 The upper leaves of the red nettle are sometimes densely clothed with silky hairs.
2. (See quot.) Obs. rare—1.
1611Cotgr., Cul de cheval, a small and ouglie fish,..called, the red Nettle.




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