

单词 unmighty
释义 unˈmighty, a. Now arch.
[OE. unmihtiᵹ (un-1 7), = OFris. un-, onmachtich, WFris. on-, ûnmachtig, MDu. onmachtich (Du. -ig), MLG. unmechtich, OHG. unmahtîg, -îk (MHG. unmehtec, -ic, G. unmächtich), Goth. unmahteig-s: cf. also ON. úmáttig-r, MDa. umægtug, early mod.Da. umægtig.]
Devoid of might or strength; weak, feeble, powerless, impotent.
c888K. ælfred Boeth. xxix. §1 ælc ᵹesceadwis man mæᵹ witan þæt hi bioð full earme & ful unmihtiᵹe.c1200Trin. Coll. Hom. 35 He bicom unmihti & wreche & unhol.a1310in Wright Lyric P. iv. 22 Middel-end for mon wes mad, un-mihti aren is meste mede.c1374Chaucer Boeth. iv. pr. ii. (1868) 114 Nedes goode folk moten ben myȝty, and shrewes feble and vnmyȝty.1402J. Upland (Skeat) §63 He coude not make his rule so good as an-other did his, (..and so were he unmighty and not god).c1450tr. De Imitatione ii. viii. 49 Whan þe grace of god..goþ away, þan shal he be poure & unmiȝty.1483Caxton Gold. Leg. C ij b, He was.. so feble and so unmyghty that hys dysciples susteyned..hym in goyng to chirche.1545T. Raynalde Byrth Mankynde 79 Yf the matryce be vnmighty and weakened.1611Florio, Impoderoso, vnmightie, vnpowerfull.1876Morris Sigurd ii. 97 Myself a little fragment amidst it all I saw,..unmighty as the tempest-driven straw.
absol.c1400Apol. Loll. 30 It is necesari to hem to visit þe sek, to pray for þe vnmiȝti.1549Allen Jude's Par. Rev. 33 Both masters and seruauntes,..hyghe and lowe, myghtie and vnmyghtie.1587Golding De Mornay Ep. Ded., The welbeloued Sonne of God..must stande for all:..the mightie for the vnmightie.
b. Const. to, usually with inf.
c1000ælfric Saints' Lives x. 257 Hwi come þu mid wæpnum..to anum mædene unmihtiᵹum to wiᵹe.a1240Sawles Warde in O.E. Hom. I. 257 Nu is riht þenne þat we demen us seolf eauer unmihtie to werien ant to witen us..wið ute godes helpe.a1300Cursor M. 6706 Qua smites vte his thains eie, And mas him vn-mighti for-to seie.a1340Hampole Psalter cvi. 12 Þai ware vnmyghty to stande agayn vicys.1390Gower Conf. II. 177 Thei with⁓oute lyves chiere Unmyhti ben to se or hiere.1422Yong tr. Secreta Secret. 235 Who-so hath the paas litill and swyfte, he is suspeccious, of euyl will, on-myghty to werkys.




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