

单词 Hellenism
释义 Hellenism|ˈhɛlɪnɪz(ə)m|
[a. Gr. Ἑλληνισµ-ός imitation of the Greeks, use of a pure Greek idiom, f. Ἑλληνίζειν to Hellenize: see -ism.]
1. A peculiarity of the Greek language; esp. a phrase, idiom, or construction used or formed in the Greek manner.
1609Holland Amm. Marcell. Annot. C iij a, Yee must admit here a Synecdoche, the plurall for the singular, a usuall figure in Hellenisme.1614Selden Titles Hon. 198 That age, about Alexius his time, generally affected Hellenisme and such words of Greeke as they could get them.1646Gregory An Order Comm., Oriens 79 This was but an Hebraisme in the old, and but an Hellenisme in the new Testament.1712Addison Spect. No. 285 ⁋9 Virgil is full of the Greek Forms of Speech, which the Criticks call Hellenisms.1771Macpherson Introd. Hist. Gt. Brit. 244 Their language, though tinctured with Hellenisms, is radically different from the Greek.1841D'Israeli Amen. Lit. (1867) 128 When Greek was first studied..it planted many a hellenism in our English.
2. Conformity to Hellenic speech and ideas; imitation or adoption of Greek characteristics, e.g. by the Jews of the Dispersion, by the later Romans, etc.; the principle of Hellenizing.
1862Merivale Rom. Emp. (1865) VII. lv. 34 The Hellenism which Nero vaunted was apostasy from the goddess Roma.1879Farrar St. Paul vii. 126 Hellenist..means, in the first instance, one who ‘Græcises’ in language or mode of life..Now this hellenism expressed many shades of difference, and therefore the exact meaning of the word Hellenist varies with the circumstances under which it is used.Ibid. 130 That detestation which had once burned in the Jewish heart against Hellenism.
3. The national character or spirit of the Greeks; Grecian culture.
1865Grote Plato Pref. 12 New foreign centres of rhetoric and literature—Asiatic and Alexandrian Hellenism—were fostered into importance by regal encouragement.1869Swinburne Ess. & Stud. (1875) 188 Their exquisite Hellenism of spirit.1876Gladstone Homeric Synchr. 197 A Poet with the intense Hellenism and Autochthonism of Homer.1881Daily News 1 Feb. 3/3 Hellenism (they say) has educated us and prepared us for the enjoyment of liberty.
b. Applied by Matthew Arnold to that form of culture, or ideal of life, of which the ancient Greek is taken as the type: see quot. 1869, and cf. Hebraism.
1869M. Arnold Cult. & Anarchy iv. (1875) 136 To get rid of one's ignorance, to see things as they are, and by seeing them as they are to see them in their beauty, is the simple and attractive ideal which Hellenism holds out before human nature; and from the simplicity and charm of this ideal, Hellenism, and human life in the hands of Hellenism..are full of what we call sweetness and light.Ibid. 143 As the great movement of Christianity was a triumph of Hebraism and man's moral impulses, so the great movement which goes by the name of the Renascence, was an up-rising and re-instatement of man's intellectual impulses and of Hellenism.1869Contemp. Rev. XI. 150 Mr. Arnold treats of the great rival forces Hebraism and Hellenism which between them divide the world.
4. Greek nationality; the Hellenic race or ‘world’ as a political entity.
1883Seeley Expans. Eng. 239 The Macedonians, through their close relationship with the Greeks, brought all Hellenism in their train.1886Manch. Exam. 29 Jan. 4/7 The Government believes it to be its duty to safeguard Hellenism, whose future is menaced.1897Daily News 22 Feb. 9/1, I shall have the whole of Hellenism on my side.




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