

单词 unneighbourly
释义 I. unˈneighbourly, a.
(un-1 7.)
1583Babington Commandm. (1590) 372 Haue you not often refused of a meere pinching and an vnneighbourlie mind euen in small matters?1601J. Wheeler Treat. Comm. 43 The proud, vnneighbourly..Proscriptions of the Dutchesse of Parma.1657Pierce Div. Philanthr. Ded. 1 The late un-Neighbourly usage which I have publickly received.1705Sir J. Packington in Hearne Collections (O.H.S.) I. 125 Unneighbourly Proceedings against your own Tenants.1768–74Tucker Lt. Nat. (1834) II. 307 These things are unneighbourly or unnatural, if we consider only their present effect upon the party suffering by them.1807G. Chalmers Caledonia I. 397 The cause of this unneighbourly irruption into Cumberland.1895Westm. Gaz. 18 June 5/1 He could not conceive conduct worse and more unneighbourly.
Hence unˈneighbourliness.
1653G. Webbe Pract. Quiet. (1657) 155 Causing barrennesse of all goodnesse where there is that unquiet unneighbourliness.1865Meredith R. Fleming iv, The yeoman's pride struggled..to vindicate his unneighbourliness.
II. unˈneighbourly, adv.
(un-1 11.)
1549Sir W. Paget in Strype Eccl. Mem. (1721) II. xix. 156 The French have..dealt on this side very unfriendly and unneighbourly towards us.1595Shakes. John v. ii. 39 Where these two Christian Armies might combine The bloud of malice, in a vaine of league, And not to spend it so vnneighbourly.




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