

单词 henceforth
释义 henceforth, adv.|ˈhɛnsfɔəθ, hɛnsˈfɔəθ|
[f. hence adv. + forth adv.]
From this time forth; from now onwards.
c1350Will. Palerne 1050 Ȝe may mete eft dernli hennes⁓forþ eche day.c1386Chaucer Sqr.'s T. 650 But hennes forth I wol my proces holde.1590Spenser F.Q. ii. i. 17 Or why should ever I henceforth desyre To see faire heavens face?1664Butler Hud. ii. iii. 1165 I'll make him hence⁓forth to beware And tempt my fury, if he dare.1719Young Busiris iv. i. (1757) 59 Henceforth let no man trust the first false step Of guilt.1874Green Short Hist. viii. §2. 478 A power had at last risen up in the Commons with which the Monarchy was henceforth to reckon.
b. With from ( fro). arch.
c1380Wyclif Serm. Sel. Wks. I. 35 Make covenaunt wiþ him to leve oure synne from hennsforþ.c1450Merlin 22 They haue fro henes-forth loste ther trauayle.1526Tindale 2 Tim. iv. 8 From hence forth is layde vppe for me a croune of rightewesnes.1595Shakes. John i. i. 159 From hence⁓forth beare his name Whose forme thou bearest.1676Hobbes Iliad i. 72 And to destroy us from henceforth for⁓bear.




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