

单词 hent
释义 I. hent, v. Obs. exc. arch. or dial.
Forms: 1 hentan, 3–6 hente(n, 4–9 hent; 4–5 hint, 5 hynt(e. pa. tense 3–6 hente, 4–9 hent; 4–6 hint, hynt. pa. pple. 3–4 yhent, 3–7 hent, 4–5 hente, 5 ihent; 4–6 hint, 5 hynt, hyntyd, 6 Sc. hyntit.
[OE. hentan (also ᵹehentan), of obscure formation.
It is probably related to Gothic hinþan to seize. Its resemblance, both in form and sense to hend v. is also noteworthy. But in both cases the phonological relations are difficult.]
1. trans. To lay hold of, seize, grasp; to take or hold in one's hand; to catch. arch.
(In OE. intr. with gen. or prep.)
a1000Laws Edward & Guthrum vi. §6 (Schmid) Beo he þonne utlah, and his hente mid hearme ælc þara þe riht wille.c1200Trin. Coll. Hom. 209 Ðe sinfulle haueð leid grune me to henten.1297R. Glouc. (1724) 185 Ȝyf he nadde wyþ þe selde somdel þe dunt yhent Syker he hym adde aslawe.a1300Cursor M. 3841 Abute hir hals þan he hir hent [v.r. hint].Ibid. 21624 A wessel..Sett vnder þat licure to hint.c1330R. Brunne Chron. (1810) 41 Alle about þei robbed, & tok þat þei mot hent.14..Hoccleve Min. Poems (1892) 71 Þat in the feendes net we be nat hent.c1450Merlin 101 He hente the swerde be the hiltes and drough it oute.1530Palsgr. 583/1, I hente, I take by vyolence or to catche, je happe. This terme is nat utterly comen.1536Bellenden Cron. Scot. II. 355 Scho hint his hors be the renyeis.1579Spenser Sheph. Cal. Feb. 195 His harmefull Hatchet he hent in hand.1611Shakes. Wint. T. iv. iii. 133 Iog-on, Iog-on, the foot-path way, And merrily hent the Stile-a.1651W. Cartwright Ordinary v. iv. in Hazl. Dodsley XII. 311 Hent him, for dern love hent him. [1885Burton Arab. Nts. (1887) III. 77 Then he hent in hand two stones.]
absol.a1500Chester Pl. (E.E.T.S.) vii. 263 Hent on! and hould that thou hase!1566Drant Horace A iii, When hande nil houlde or hente.
2. To lay hold of and take away, lift, or move in some way; to snatch, carry off; to take (away, off, out, up, etc.), put (on).
a1300Cursor M. 13236 Þis bodi vte of erth þai hint [v.r. hent].13..Gaw. & Gr. Knt. 983 Þe lorde..Hent heȝly of his hode, and on a spere henged.c1400Rowland & O. 1194 Ane Actone one he hent.c1440York Myst. xxiii. 77 Lord god!..þat..wolde..hendly hente me oute of hell.1579Spenser Sheph. Cal. Nov. 169 Dido nis dead, but into heauen hent.1589Peele Tale of Troy Wks. (Rtldg.) 553/2 Her heart was from her body hent.1647H. More Song of Soul iii. iii. vii, For a time into high heaven hent.
b. fig. To lift up, pluck up (heart). (Cf. also 5.)
c1400Destr. Troy 9739 Therfore hent vp your hert & your high wille.c1450St. Cuthbert (Surtees) 4484 Right so þi frendes als faste Heuy hertis sall hente.
3. a. To get at with a blow; to strike, hit.
c1250Gen. & Ex. 2715 Moyses..hente ðe cherl wið hise wond, And he fel dun in dedes bond.13..Coer de L. 6783 That other he hint upon the hood.
b. To get to, arrive at, reach, occupy.
c1330R. Brunne Chron. (1810) 39 Tuo outlandes kynges on þis lond hauens hent.c1440Bone Flor. 139 The furste hauyn that ever they hente.c1475Partenay 5272 When of lusignen the faire Cite hent.1603Shakes. Meas. for M. iv. vi. 14 The generous, and grauest Citizens Haue hent the gates.
4. To seize, affect (as an influence or condition).
1390Gower Conf. I. 141 The vanite of pride him hente.c1400Rom. Rose 1730 Therwithalle such colde me hente.a1547Surrey in Tottell's Misc. (Arb.) 8 There might I se how Ver had euery blossom hent.1613–16W. Browne Brit. Past. ii. i, Men, whose watchfull eyes no slumber hent.
5. To get, take, receive, obtain, gain, meet with; to experience, suffer, ‘catch’ (harm, etc.); to ‘take’ (courage, etc.); to apprehend, perceive.
1297R. Glouc. (1724) 204 Uerste he was sore adrad..And naþeles he hente herte.a1330Otuel 1195 Þou ne sschalt hente no vileinie, Of no man of king charles lond.c1386Chaucer Prol. 301 Al þat he myghte of his freendes hente, On bookes and his lernynge he it spente.c1450Mirour Saluacioun 1412 Of some man..the Baptisme of watere he hent.c1460Towneley Myst. (Surtees) 122 So that I no harmes hent.1591Greene Maiden's Dr. l, Then thought I straight such friends are seldom hent.
b. to hent upon (or in) hand: to take in hand, undertake. to hent one's way: to take one's way.
c1400Destr. Troy 7969 To hent vppon hand soche a hegh charge.1486Bk. St. Albans E vij b, Ayen the water his way eeuen iff he hent.1590Spenser F.Q. iii. vii. 61 Great labour fondly hast thou hent in hand.
6. intr. To take one's way, go. pseudo-archaism.
1579Poor Knt.'s Pal. G iv, To seas he hent, whose washinge waves did cause him to returne.1714Orig. Canto Spencer xlvi, Strait without Word or Answer forth he hent.
7. dial. (See quots.) [perh. not this word.]
1677[see henting 2].a1722Lisle Husb. (1757) Gloss. (E.D.S.), Hint, to lay up; to put together.1794T. Davis Agric. Wilts in Archæol. Rev. (1888) Mar., A barn process, well hinted—well secured.1828Craven Dial., Hent, to plow up the bottom of the furrow.
II. hent, n. Obs.
Also 6 hint.
[f. hent v.]
1. The act of seizing; a clutch, grasp.
1500–20Dunbar Poems xxxiii. 88 Scho was so cleverous of hir cluik..Scho held thame at ane hint.
2. fig. That which is grasped or conceived in the mind: conception, intention, design.
1600Holland Livy xxv. xiv. 557 So [they] put the Consull out of his hent [consilia ducis disjecit].
It is doubtful whether in the following we have sense 1 or 2, or whether hent is for hint in its Shaksperian sense.
1602Shakes. Ham. iii. iii. 88 Vp Sword, and know thou a more horrid hent When he is drunke asleepe: or in his Rage.
III. hent, prep. and conjunctive adv. Obs.
[? f. hen adv. hence + to, corresp. to OFris. hent, MHG. hinze, hinz, LG. hento, hente.]
Till, until.
A. prep. (also hent to, hento.)
1426Audelay Poems 14 He kepis not to restore That he takys amys to no maner mon, Hent his endyng.Ibid. 74 Thenke theron and thenke not erke, Hent to the last endyng.1573Durham Depos. (Surtees) 252 The brother did put him of warke hento suche tyme as he brought answear from that wyfe.
B. conjunctive adv.
14..Cast. Love (Hal.) 1479 [Thei] nere never i-wyst ne holden Hent [early MS. er] he himselvyn come wolde.1426Audelay Poems 15 We were put in paradise to have wele withoutyn woo, Hent we had unblest brokyn the commaundmentis of our kyng.
IV. hent
obs. form of hint.




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