

单词 heraldry
释义 heraldry|ˈhɛrəldrɪ|
Forms: see herald.
[f. herald n. + -ry: cf. poetry, pedantry.]
1. The art or science of a herald; now, esp. the art or science of blazoning armorial bearings and of settling the right of persons to bear arms or certain bearings; in connexion with which it deals with the tracing and recording of pedigrees, and deciding of questions of precedence.
canting heraldry, that which deals with canting arms: see canting ppl. a.2 5.
1572J. Bossewell Armorie Ded., Such one was of late specially in this kinde of Herehaultry a very fruteful and worthy writer, master Gerard Leigh.1663Gerbier Counsel E viij a, The Antiquity and Origine of Herauldry.a1668Denham Progr. Learn. 183 'Twas no false heraldry when Madness drew Her pedigree from those who too much knew.1769Junius Lett. xii. 49 You may look back..to an illustrious pedigree, in which heraldry has not left a single good quality upon record.1830Macaulay Ess., Byron (1887) 160 Is poetry, like heraldry, mere matter of arbitrary regulation?1872Ruskin Eagle's Nest §47 The most brilliant, and..most practically effective of the arts—Heraldry.
fig.1641‘Smectymnuus’ Vind. Answ. vi. 88 As for the Herauldry in blazoning Aerius for an heretick..We referre to former answeres.a1652J. Smith Sel. Disc. iv. 70 All those discourses which have been written of the soul's heraldry, will not blazon it so well to us as itself will do.Ibid. ix. 410 Titles of worldly honour in heaven's heraldry are but only tituli nominales.1823in Joanna Baillie's Collect. Poems 263 Watt, who in heraldry of science ranks With those to whom men owe high meed of thanks.
b. Heraldic practice or regulation. Obs.
1602Shakes. Ham. i. i. 87 Hamlet..Did slay this Fortinbras: who by a Seal'd Compact, Well ratified by Law, and Heraldrie, Did forfeite (with his life) all those his Lands.
c. Heraldic title, rank, or precedence. Hence, ‘An old and obsolete abuse of buying and selling precedence in the paper of causes for hearing’ (Wharton's Law Lex. 1883). Obs.
1601Shakes. All's Well ii. iii. 280 You are more sawcie with Lordes and honorable personages, then the Commission of your birth and vertue giues you Heraldry.a1734North Lives I. 435 Nothing sat heavier upon his spirits than a great arrear of business..for he knew well that from thence there sprang up a trade in the register's office, called heraldry, that is, buying and selling precedence in the paper of causes.
2. A heraldic emblazonment or device; a collection of heraldic devices; armorial bearings; heraldic symbolism. Also fig.
1593Shakes. Lucr. 64 This Herauldry in Lucrece face was seene, Argued by Beauties red and Vertues white.1602Ham. ii. ii. 478 Pyrrhus..Hath now this dread and blacke Complexion smear'd With Heraldry more dismall.c1708Swift Baucis & Philemon 93 The ballads..high in order plac'd, describe The heraldry of ev'ry tribe.1795Southey Joan of Arc viii. 37 Known by the buckler's blazon'd heraldry, Salisbury lay dead.1870F. R. Wilson Ch. Lindisf. 76 A series of panels filled alternately with heraldry and figures.1889Century Mag. Dec. 237/2 Nature soon covers the work of man in wood or stone with a carpet of moss and her own heraldry of lichens.
3. The office of herald or official messenger.
1594Hooker Eccl. Pol. i. xv. §1 The law of Heraldry in war is positive.1834Lytton Pilgr. Rhine xix, Fulfilling the heraldry of God, to each Star he appointed the duty and the charge.1835Rienzi iii. i, I trust my next heraldry will be to a more friendly court.
4. The action of announcing and ushering in with pomp and ceremony; heraldic pomp.
1630Milton Circumcision 10 He who with all Heaven's heraldry whilere Entered the world, now bleeds to give us ease.1800Coleridge Christabel 11, He would proclaim it far and wide, With trump and solemn heraldry.1840Mill Diss. & Disc. (1875) I. 427 A writer..announced, with all the pomp and heraldry of triumphant genius, a discovery.




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