

单词 unproportioned
释义 unproˈportioned, ppl. a.
(un-1 8, 5 b.)
c1586C'tess Pembroke Ps. cxxxv. vii, What unproportion'd odds To thee, these idolls gold and silver beare?1595Daniel Civ. Wars ii. xix, Huge vnproportion'd mountaines.1602Shakes. Ham. i. iii. 60 Giue thy thoughts no tongue, Nor any vnproportion'd thought his Act.1650Bulwer Anthropomet. 186 Crook-back't men..are justly accounted unproportioned.1712Atterbury Serm. (1737) IV. 216 Such a mock worship,..how unproportioned it is to the Divine Nature.1799J. Robertson Agric. Perth 231 A multitude of soldiers, unproportioned to the extent or fertility of Scotland.1828Tennyson Lover's T. i. 187 That porch, So unproportion'd to the dwelling-place.




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