

单词 unprotected
释义 unproˈtected, ppl. a.
(un-1 8.)
a1593Marlowe Ovid's Elegies ii. ii. 12 Nor is her husband wise, what needes defence When vn-protected ther is no expence?1597Hooker Eccl. Pol. v. i. §4 Such euils..as men either destitute of grace diuine may commit, or vnprotected from aboue, indure.1748Richardson Clarissa VII. 97 A defenceless unprotected woman.1791Mrs. Radcliffe Rom. Forest iv, The idea of leaving his family unprotected.1844Noad Electricity (ed. 2) 429 It is necessary to observe..that the lamps were unprotected.1879Lubbock Sci. Lect. ii. 41 It might be an advantage to a flower which was quite unprotected, to open early for the bees.
Hence unproˈtectedly adv., -ness.
1823Blackw. Mag. XIV. 461 Seeing their friends massacred unprotectedly all round them.1824Miss Mitford Village Ser. i. 13 His unprotectedness, his utter defencelessness.1895Meredith Amazing Marriage xlvi, Lady Arpington's mention of Henrietta's unprotectedness.

▸ Designating sexual activity without contraception or (in later use esp.) without protection against sexually transmitted infection. Chiefly in unprotected sex. Cf. unsafe adj.
1948E. S. Gordon in H. Becker & R. Hill Family, Marriage & Parenthood x. 327 The ease and frequency with which a pregnancy actually follows unprotected intercourse..is probably due to the combined factors of survival of the living ovum in the tube and the survival of actively motile sperm cells.1973Family Planning Perspectives 5 71/3 For every girl who becomes pregnant before 16, there must be 10 who have the same amount of unprotected sex and escape pregnancy by chance.1986Los Angeles Times (Electronic ed.) 23 Oct. ii. 6 The Koop report recognizes and underscores the danger to all people from unprotected sexual contact—without a condom.1991Gay Times Mar. 13/4 Oral-anal contact is sufficient to transmit gonorrhoea..but a homosexual who has caught gonorrhoea this way will not be at the same risk of HIV as if he had unprotected anal sex.2000Marie Claire (Johannesburg) Feb. 133/2 If you've had unprotected sex with a new or unfaithful partner who might be infected, and you show signs of sores (ulcers) or warts on your genitals, you may have an STD.




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