

单词 heterogeneous
释义 heterogeneous, a.|hɛtərəˈdʒiːniːəs|
[f. Scholastic L. heterogene-us (see heterogeneal) + -ous.]
The opposite of homogeneous.
The earlier word, and the more usual, esp. in technical expressions, till c 1725, was heterogeneal.
1. a. Of one body in respect of another, or of various bodies in respect of each other: Diverse in kind or nature, of completely different characters; incongruous; foreign.
1624F. White Reply to Fisher 243 The question..is heterrogeneous to this disputation.1660Gouge Chr. Direct. ii. (1831) 21 Labour..to drive out all wandering heterogeneous thoughts that come to disturb thee.1665Hooke Microgr. 25 Chusing two heterogeneous fluids, such as Water and Oyl.1699Ld. Tarbut in Pepys' Diary (1879) VI. 195 Though it be heterogeneous from this subject.1715Desaguliers Fires Impr. 35 Its heat proceeds from a mixture of heterogeneous Bodies.1743Lond. & Country Brew. ii. (ed. 2) 112 Which is perfectly heterogeneous to the true Management of the Hop.1809–10Coleridge Friend (1837) III. 199 Things utterly heterogeneous can have no intercommunion.1850J. H. Newman Diffic. Anglic. 58 The National Church is absolutely heterogeneous to the Apostolical or Anglo-Catholic party of 1833.1862Mill Utilit. 16 Pain is always heterogeneous with pleasure.1866Liddon Bampton Lect. ii. (1875) 44 A large collection of heterogeneous writings.1876Mozley Univ. Serm. viii. 180 We do not suppose that the two worlds, visible and invisible, are absolutely different and hetergeneous in fundamental structure.
b. loosely. Extraordinary, anomalous, abnormal.
1757[see heterogenous 1.].1768W. Donaldson Life & Adv. Sir B. Sapskull I. 58 Men of fashion are strange heterogeneous monsters.1785A. M. Bennett Juvenile Indiscret. (1786) V. 242 Lady Belvoir and her two daughters are actual characters, however heterogeneous some people may think them.
2. Of a body in respect of its elements: Composed of diverse elements or constituents; consisting of parts of different kinds; not homogeneous.
1630Prynne Anti-Armin. 182 The members of a haeterogenious body..are discrepant and various in themselues.1639Fuller Holy War v. xix. (1647) 261 The armie will be very heterogeneous, patched up of different people.1649A. Ross Life in Mahomet Alcoran 405 He..found at his doore an Heterogeneous Beast, called Elborach, half Asse, half Mule, but much swifter then either.1701De Foe True-born Eng. i. 280 Thus from a Mixture of all Kinds began, That Het'rogeneous Thing, An Englishman.1796H. Brougham in Phil. Trans. LXXXVI. 245 All sorts of light..simple and homogeneous, or heterogeneous and compounded.1814Scott Wav. li, This heterogeneous mass of wild and desperate men.1865Grote Plato II. xxi. 52 Good is of a character exceedingly diversified and heterogeneous.1867Rawlinson Anc. Mon. IV. vii. 419 In so vast and heterogeneous an Empire as the Persian.
3. Math.
a. Of different kinds, so as to be incommensurable.
b. Of different dimensions or degrees; non-homogeneous. heterogeneous surds: see quot. 1796. (The later nomenclature is that of like and unlike surds.)
1656Hobbes Six Less. Wks. 1845 VII. 199 Of these two sorts of angles the quantities are heterogeneous.1660Barrow Euclid v. xvi. Schol., Heterogeneous quantities are not compared together.1727–41Chambers Cycl., Heterogeneous Surds.1796Hutton Math. Dict., Heterogeneous Quantities..are those which cannot have proportion, or be compared together as to greater and less..As lines, surfaces, and solids in geometry. Heterogeneous Surds, are such as have different radical signs; as √a and √3b2 ; or √510 and √720 .
4. a. In various connexions:
heterogeneous attraction, attraction between atoms different in kind, chemical attraction; also that between the different kinds of electricity and magnetism. heterogeneous bodies, ‘such as have their parts of unequal density’ (Hutton Math. Dict. 1796). heterogeneous nouns, nouns of different genders in the singular and plural. heterogeneous numbers, ‘mixed numbers consisting of integers and fractions’ (Hutton). heterogeneous reactor, a nuclear reactor in which the fuel is not uniformly mixed with the moderator and/or coolant (opp. ‘homogeneous reactor’); also heterogeneous pile. Also in various other technical usages, as heterogeneous fusion, heterogeneous radiation, heterogeneous strain, heterogeneous stream.
1727–41Chambers Cycl. s.v., Heterogeneous bodies are such, whose gravities in different parts are not proportionable to the bulk thereof.Ibid., Heterogeneous Nouns, Heterogeneous Numbers.1826–34Good's Bk. Nat. (ed. 3) I. 93 The heterogeneous attraction, or that between the two different substances, is stronger than the common force of gravity.1883Encycl. Brit. XV. 693/1 Heterogeneous strain.1902Ibid. XXVIII. 567/2 In the case of crystalline fusion it is necessary to distinguish two cases, the Homogeneous and the Heterogeneous... In the second case, the solid and liquid phases differ in composition; that of the liquid phase changes continuously, and the temperature does not remain constant during the fusion.Ibid. XXIX. 257/1 The nuclear divisions are what Weismann calls ‘differentiating’ or heterogeneous divisions. In them the microcosms of the germ-plasm are not doubled, but slowly disintegrated.1922W. B. Scott Physiogr. vi. 154 Heterogeneous streams are those which have two or more different kinds of courses, and most rivers, including almost all the longer ones, are of this class.1947C. Goodman Sci. & Engin. Nucl. Power I. ix. 320 (caption) Heterogeneous reactor with circulating liquid fuel.1949M. L. Oliphant Atomic Age 23 The arrangement used is a so-called ‘heterogeneous pile’, consisting of some tens of tons of uranium rods or slugs disposed in a calculated ‘lattice’ throughout a mass of some hundreds of tons of graphite.1958O. R. Frisch Nucl. Handbk. xii. 2 By far the largest number of reactors built to date have been thermal, heterogeneous reactors.1958Chambers's Techn. Dict. (ed. 3) 984/2 Heterogeneous radiation, that having particles of various energies and/or wavelengths.
b. Denoting the presence of more than one phase (solid, liquid, or gas) in a system or process.
1878J. W. Gibbs in Trans. Connecticut Acad. Arts & Sci. III. 108 (heading) On the equilibrium of heterogeneous substances.1895Jrnl. Chem. Soc. LXVIII. ii. 72 (heading) Graphical representation of heterogeneous systems.1928J. K. Roberts Heat & Thermodynamics xviii. 356 Heterogeneous reactions in which solids and vapours take part.1950Sci. News XV. 65 Much research had been carried out on heterogeneous catalysts, that is, catalysts at whose surfaces reactions between gases are brought about.
Hence heteroˈgeneously adv., in a heterogeneous manner; heteroˈgeneousness, the quality or condition of being heterogeneous; heterogeneity.
1653H. More Conject. Cabbal. (1662) 129 The Heterogeneousness of the Exposition of the First Day's Creation.1768Johnson Gen. Obs. Shaks., 3 Hen. VI, Dissimilitude of style, and heterogeneousness of sentiment, may sufficiently show that a work does not really belong to the reputed author.1775Journ. to West. Isl., Ostig in Sky Wks. X. 439 The rooms are very heterogeneously filled.1836–9Todd Cycl. Anat. II. 105 The heterogeneousness of two fluids.1864Pusey Lect. Dan. vii. 435 Unauthentic tradition is wont to connect things heterogeneously.




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